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Post here to whine about rejections


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Hey don't let one rejection get you down too much. I was rejected really early by one of the schools I applied for, and basically wrote off that I would get in anywhere, I figured there must be some really big red flag in my application for them to turn me down so quick. But a few weeks after that I got an interview and later an acceptance from a school I really was not expecting to get in to. So as others have said chin up, it really is a bit of a crap shoot.

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emory women's studies. my app had been in since september. i only found out so soon b/c i knew they notified of interviews in mid-jan so i emailed the secretary to "double-check that my app is complete." she emailed back that they'd decided who to interview on the 15th and i hadn't made the short list.

So this wasn't an anthropology program, and they didn't notify you directly? I don't think any of the schools I applied to call applicants in for interviews? Do you know? Thanks, and I'm sorry about Emory. I would also say not to let it get you down too much. When applying to MA programs I had a similar experience, and was rejected by my safety but got into my top choice.

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That's another annoying consideration!

Not that my SO is an "annoying consideration," of course, but that we are really hoping to get into schools near each other. We did apply to some dream schools that were far away from anything else the other person applied to, though, so there could be some bittersweet acceptance letters coming in the next month or two.

All we can do is hope, really. Both of us getting into a good program within a few hours drive from each other would be ideal.

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My SO and I just got engaged last week, and he is planning to move with me wherever. I actually didn't apply to a few places cause I knew he wouldn't want to move there. The only problem is that he is planning to apply to business school next year, and could wind up many miles away anyway. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm mentally preparing myself for the rejections over the next few months, so I thought I'd join you: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (hee) I TOO WANT MY MOMMY!

On the other hand, try not to worry too much about it. Life's too short for that.

I am so joining in on this party. First rejection came on Monday and since then, I've completely convinced myself that I won't get in anywhere. Which while upsetting, isn't the most upsetting part. It's the wondering what I'm going to do with myself until the next set of applications and how I don't ever want to do this again!

So WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Now, I feel a bit better. Thank you.

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I am so joining in on this party. First rejection came on Monday and since then, I've completely convinced myself that I won't get in anywhere. Which while upsetting, isn't the most upsetting part. It's the wondering what I'm going to do with myself until the next set of applications and how I don't ever want to do this again!

Ditto. Even though I didn't expect to get in to the first place to reject me, it's still made me a nervous wreck, knowing that decision season really is here. My job was already quite stressful. This is not helping.

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I'll join but I really have no place in doing so seeing as I applied to no safety schools

Where you applied doesn't matter. The important thing is that we allow each other to cry on our collective shoulder until an acceptance comes in. Positive attitude, and all that.

Carry on. Carry on.

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I had an interesting thought this afternoon, after having received my official "go away" notice from OSU poli sci. It would be interesting to collect rejection letters from as many schools as possible and turn it into some sort of grad student art exhibit. Maybe tearing them up and creating a sculpture out of paper mache showing a student shaking his/her fist at the sky, or something like that. I'm likely to get quite a few myself, given the number of schools to which I applied and how many of them are a bit of a reach. Any ideas you all might have would be welcome.

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I'll join but I really have no place in doing so seeing as I applied to no safety schools...UNC Chapel Hill just rejected me for MA in Geography, and as my mother puts it, 1 rejection down, 3 more to go...thanks mom

Ah, UNC. They rejected me when I applied there for a MA too. Who did you want to work with?

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Ah, UNC. They rejected me when I applied there for a MA too. Who did you want to work with?

I was unofficially rejected by the professor I wanted to work with, Dr. Stephen Birdsall. He informed that they've received a 15% increase in applications this year and would only be accepting 10 out of 140 or so. He said in the e-mail that they saw great potential in me but as it stands now, I'm in the running with people who have "proven track records" and would not likely be accepted...I don't know how at 19, I'm suppose to compete with that, but he wished me luck nonetheless. Who did you want to work with?

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I was unofficially rejected by the professor I wanted to work with, Dr. Stephen Birdsall. He informed that they've received a 15% increase in applications this year and would only be accepting 10 out of 140 or so. He said in the e-mail that they saw great potential in me but as it stands now, I'm in the running with people who have "proven track records" and would not likely be accepted...I don't know how at 19, I'm suppose to compete with that, but he wished me luck nonetheless. Who did you want to work with?

Ah, UNC. I never quite found out why I got rejected for the MA but I suspect it was for similar reasons. I ended up not applying there this time because Wendy Wolford wasn't taking new students. Plus she got all rude when I wrote her an email saying I'd emailed her 2 years ago and so she just attached that email to her reply rather than answering my questions. So then I had to email her again to ask if she was taking new students. She wrote back with one word "No". Gah, there was no need for the rudeness. And it's a shame. Steve Walsh had gotten me all excited about UNC.

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