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San Francisco State Application

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This is ridiculously last minute since the deadline is the 15th and I'm super stressed out and confused by the SFSU application, and I have a bunch of questions for anyone at all who can answer. I feel like the student information packet that they link to on calstate is a bit outdated? I don't know what to think honestly since calstate is kinda new from what I've seen and the info booklet says it was last updated in 2015 :/ 

So in that student info booklet it says I should complete the CSU application before submitting the department one. Are they both due on the 15th still? That's what I'm assuming for now. From what I'm reading, the CSU app is the one on calstate and the department app is mailed? Or are they both on calstate now in one cohesive application?

Am I uploading my SOP and proof of payment to the calstate application and mailing them hardcopies? It feels a bit redundant (and honestly in 2017 mailed applications feel archaic). 

Also, the credential services part of the application is pretty unclear. Where can I see what CTC requirements are needed for the application? None of the forms that they ask for are marked as required and they're not mentioned anywhere else in the application. For example, the info booklet says I can use old SAT scores to satisfy the basic skills requirement (unless I read that wrong), which I had uploaded onto the 'test score report' of the program materials tab. Do they need that twice?

Lastly, I thought I read that official transcripts are only required if you're admitted into the program, but I very easily could be getting different programs mixed up. If this is true please let me know ASAP so I don't spend the money on official transcripts that I don't actually need. 

Thanks so much!!! I feel like I'm being ridiculous and the information is right in front of my face, I'm just too frazzled to see it. 


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You only need to do what is on the Cal State Apply. Nothing else!

I went to an info session and they clarified everything. No transcripts until you are admitted

If you are confused about anything you can call them and they are very helpful 

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