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  • Location
    United States
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    MFA Playwriting

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. @LavendarCloud, have you heard from Sundance? I'm waiting to hear and I guess some people have gotten rejected and I haven't heard anything...eep...
  2. I heard from a friend of a friend of mine that at least one offer for Brooklyn College went out yesterday.
  3. @SeaLou - Iowa has offers out - we have until today to respond! Had a chance to speak with the head of the program last week and found out more about the financial situation - you get an assistantship that pays, so you qualify for in-state residence and there's a scholarship that takes care of tuition so I'm all in. They have a fully-funded fellowship too, but I'm more than happy with their standard package. Moving to Iowa! Looking forward to culture shock. Still can't believe it happened - overjoyed, ready for the next step. My final results ended up being: University of Iowa: Accepted Carnegie Mellon: Interviewed, Accepted Yale: Rejected UCSD: Rejected The New School: Rejected What about everyone else?
  4. I also heard from Iowa yesterday - I got in! Totally over the moon overwhelmed. It's been my dream school since I left undergrad but since this was my first year applying I didn't have high hopes. Should hear more next week about details/financial support, but I got it! I was also accepted at Carnegie Mellon, but rejected from Yale/radio silence from UCSD and the New School which makes me 99% sure that's also a no, so I was pretty sure CMU was the only place I was getting in this year - the program there seems great, but it's only two years and since I feel like this is probably my final degree, I'd like to make sure I get the most out of it as possible/take the time I need. So thrilled to make Iowa - though it is a little daunting (but also exciting!) to think about moving to the midwest for 3 years...
  5. Does anyone remember the timeline from last year for Iowa? I know they take forever but when I went further back on the board to check there were people waiting on them from April and even into May, but that was some time ago. Are they any faster? '
  6. Where do people stand on 2 year programs versus 3 year? Smith, Carnegie Mellon are both two years...my gut feeling is that more time is better than less, but what do other people think?
  7. I went and checked on my UCSD app and I noticed the same thing, that the application deadline is listed as 1/30, though my submission date is still 1/06, which I think was the original deadline. Interesting? Guess that moves the timeline back a bunch...
  8. Yeah, all my apps are in - now just the waiting game...
  9. For people applying to UCSD: How did your personal statement and your essay differ?? It seems like both could cover the same sort of ground and I'm not finding their website very illuminating. Trying not to repeat myself!! Otherwise I've got Yale, CMU, and the New School apps in. Tweaking UCSD and University of Iowa.
  10. Just thought I'd start posting - been following this thread for years, but this year I'm actually applying! Just submitted my application for Yale. Think that my list of possible schools is: Yale University of Iowa UCSD Carnegie Mellon The New School Contemplating Juilliard but it seems that you really need an MFA already to be accepted? Or at least the people I know who have gone there have already completed an MFA...
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