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Posts posted by phigirl

  1. I will be applying to AMS for Fall 2015 as well..... where are you looking??  lets keep in touch!

    Haven't even begun the process of thinking about what my revised list will be. I'm in the process of starting my master's thesis, so that'll probably be something I decide more firmly in the spring. feel free to message me if you don't want to bog down the thread.

  2. will be excited to follow everyone on this thread this year-I'm currently working on my masters in History and will be applying for Fall 2015 to AMS PhD programs again- hopefully this thread becomes as active as it was last spring. Support one another through this tough process!

  3. new to this thread-I'm an AMS student with a focus in history and politics, so I've been chilling on the interdisciplinary thread until now-but was wondering if anyone here is claiming the Miami University History MA post on the results?

  4. Seriously. I am freaking out. Am I supposed to go through another $4000 round of applications? Do I find a new career after spending seven years on this? What? Seriously, I am open to any and all suggestions. I am trained for nothing but English Lit.

    I was rejected from my 6 programs-so you're not alone! (although like everyone else said there's no way I even spent close to $4000)  I found an MA program that would allow me to apply late, and am investigating other programs that have later deadlines as well. Don't know if you have an MA already but if you do-what about a related field MA? I'm looking into MAs in history because that's what most of my research is founded in even though I'm an AMS/PoliSci undergrad BA. Thinking about it now, this is definitely a good course for me because it will allow me to hopefully have a really excellent writing sample for next time and it'll take me "back to basics" if you will-maybe this is an option for you too!

  5. So sorry to hear that.  I hope you are able to find out how you can improve your application and try again next year.  As someone who has been through it, it is well worth it.  When I got rejected last year, 'next year' seemed so far away. But in reality, it comes very quickly...

    Try again! Dont give up!

    Thanks MSW. I've got a Plan B implemented that I'm waiting to hear official news on - MA in History- so in a best case scenario I'll apply for just the PhD in 2 years, which seems like the majority of candidates I know who were accepted had related MA's. worst case scenario is well...complicated because I have a soon to be husband who can't transfer to another UG after this semester (too many hours after that) so fingers crossed!

  6. I was advised by my former advisers (I'm nearly 2 years out of UG) to apply for Master's programs as a backup ( I was applying for MA/PhD programs) so I've talked to departments and begun looking into that. Some depts. have deadlines that haven't passed yet so that's potentially an option!


    I had also been advised (I knew prior to submitting apps that my field was incredibly competitive) to consider moving to a place where I (& my soon to be husband) wanted to be and if I was not accepted to do work in the field in the area of that school and apply again the following year.


    hope that helps!

  7. I don't know if I'm being foolish but as a couple of folks have told me, "all it takes is one."


    that's what my one prof told me. I too am down to 1 last program to hear from, so I'm sincerely hoping. It's been 2 years since I graduated from UG and so I've recently came up with a backup plan but here's to hoping it works out for us both

  8. I'maassuming it's a good thing when a school which already has your unofficial transcripts emails you requesting official ones. And if it's not a good thing, it's still a "thing" right? As in, some sort of action requiring an official transcript is about to be taken?

    I would assume it's a good thing-I mean why would they want your official transcripts if they've already ruled you out from your official?

  9. this weekend, i met my S.O.'s family for the first time- his parents own a store dedicated to every sort of new age thing you can imagine (crystals, meditation, yoga, astrology, incense, and so on), and although he doesn't buy into it, i'm intrigued by it all, so i let his parents tell me about my astrology (natal chart), totem animals, crystals, etc., just for the heck of it. 


    in short: i was told that a "chronic illness" recently cleared up, and they gave me a few stones for luck, among other things, and told me that i would have a dream that would answer a question that'd been on my mind for a while. a couple weeks ago, my doctor confirmed that i was 100% rid of a chronic illness that i've been dealing with for a few years, and last night, on the train home, i had a vivid dream that i got accepted to my second choice program via email. i got an acceptance email this afternoon from the same program.


    dang, universe. you freaky.


    1. congratulations!!!

    2. that (perhaps sadly) gives me hope that my dream a few weeks ago about getting into the one program I think I still stand a chance at will come true! Unfortunately, I have this distinct feeling that my dream where I was accepted to Yale even though I didn't apply to Yale (I even knew that in my dream, lol) isn't going to come true. But if I end up batting 50% that's not so bad right?? fingers and toes crossed, and hoping that the Universe decides to like me soon....


    I'm actually bouncing between hopeful optimism (and then I decide its bad luck to get too optimistic) and there's no way I'm getting into graduate school. 


    Its more like I'll convince myself I'm not getting in, my friends will convince me I am and I keep bouncing between the two. 


    story of my life. although it's not just my friends it's also my family, and close family friends, and acquaintances....the list goes on.....

  10. It's official I'm going insane. Some programs I've applied to have said early to mid-March. Been obsessively looking at my email and the Government Affairs section all day even though I might not hear anything till next week.


    Goodbye sweet sanity.

    some of mine said early March. In my paranoid mind anything after March 5 is officially constituting mid-March. this might explain my stress eating today

  11. I suppose that it might depend on the program/school but in general you can continue to log in to the website that you completed an application on, and in differing locations on that page there may/may not be decision info. A few of my programs send out admissions info via snail main only. Also, on one of my apps it took me 2-3 days after when everyone else in my program got their rejections to get mine for whatever reason. In any case, that's likely where others are looking.

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