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Everything posted by Allouette

  1. Accepted for PGS-D3 Direct applicant in Evolution/Ecology.
  2. Popping back into this world 800 years later to say no letter in Toronto yet... Hopefully it comes in tomorrow!
  3. Hey maddaddam, I'm sending you a private message about this
  4. Papers like this, you mean? http://intervalolibre.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/el-clitoris.pdf An excerpt: "Just as Christoforo Colombo was not the first to reach the Americas from Europe, neither was Realdo Colombo the first anatomist to describe the clitoris. "
  5. Just to chime in; my momma is an academic who had her first baby at 35, and her last at 43, and we all turned out fine (in fact, I'd say we're a pretty kickass bunch). It also meant that by the time she had us, she was well-established enough in her job that she could spend more time at home with us without missing out on building a career. Having kids late is definitely not the end of the world, and your eggs are nowhere near bad quality unless you're, like, fifty when you start popping them out. (Also, an FYI, my parents met at work after they had both gotten their PhDs; both of them had been engaged during grad school, but both broke off those engagements en route because grad school + serious relationships can be hard to juggle.)
  6. I'd say definitely B. Option a) could definitely come across as 'blaming' your undergrad institution for your lack of experience, which I think can be read really unfavourably. Focus on the stuff you have done, and make up for the lack of quantity by emphasizing its quality
  7. Ooh, I like the idea of a fb group! Looking forward to your email!
  8. sje, I was told we'd start receiving registration information around June/July, and that stipends are disbursed quarterly for the first year (it changes to more frequently when you start to teach in 2nd year). Are you in touch with the other grad student(s) in your lab? My supervisor's current students have been awesome in terms of helping me/answering my inane questions.
  9. Gold standard
  10. I'm in Toronto, and I just got my letter (I bagged me a CGS-M!)
  11. Thanks for the advice, pears, it really helps Not to turn this into a housing thread, but one last question to the NYC inclined; what's the deal with brokers? Is it really completely necessary to go through one, or do people actually legitimately find decent places by themselves?
  12. sje, have you looked into the CUNY apartments at all? I'm considering them, but they are damned expensive, and tiny! That being said, I'm still having trouble adjusting my brain to rent prices and sq-footages in New York apartment listings... What do you think of the grad apartments, as a New Yorker?
  13. Yes! I have one I have one I have one!!! Try Matt & Nat; they make entirely vegan bags and they look fantastic. They're a bit on the pricey side (I got my totebag on sale for $80, regular prices are around $125-175), but it's lasted me three years so far and it's still in awesome condition. Their website is http://www.mattandnat.ca/
  14. Hey Nervous - I'm a Canadian student too! I just sent you a PM
  15. Alternatively (for added super ritzy fanciness) my favourite piece of furniture ever = http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S89840032/ . Takes up less room than a futon, and is more comfortable to sleep on than an air mattress. I mean, in all likelihood you're gonna have an armchair in your place anyway, so a folding chair bed is like, the ultimate multifunctional piece of furniture.
  16. I just got this gem yesterday: "Oh, so it's like, doing a second undergrad, right?" *facepalm*
  17. Haha yeah, I know I'm being pre-emptive in my planning too, but I can't help it! I'm a neurotic planner and neurotic planning is what I do best! CUNY also has a block of apartments for grad students that I'm considering, but it seems a little bit pricey. But, like you said, it is furnished and in a great location to get to my dept, and it might be nice to live in a building full of other grad students. Though in terms of being close to departments, I have been warned by everyone I've spoken to that getting a place near your dept is a bit misleading, especially in first year, because the core courses are across all the campuses and you'll be shuttling up and down manhattan regardless. At least I'm a veteran commuter (nearly two hours each way every day for the past four years!) so I'm not too bothered by the idea of long commutes.
  18. Hi guys! Anybody else NYCEP-bound this fall? I know there are a few of us on the forums already, and I thought it'd be nice to introduce ourselves, and have a space to talk about stuff related to the program, moving to NYC, and whatever else we want to discuss! On that note, is anyone else going crazy about housing? I don't even know where to start in terms of looking for a place!
  19. drop kick
  20. Can't argue with that logic... I guess all that's left to do now is show up for classes in the fall?
  21. Having a brilliant cuddle with my cat... I hate that I have to leave her behind this fall!

    1. lypiphera


      What are you planning to do with her if you aren't bringing her with?

    2. Allouette


      She's staying with my parents... I'm going to miss her, but it's not fair to her for me to drag her along like a piece of luggage when she's got a stable home full of love that she is comfortable in right here!

  22. No clue, that's all the prof said on the matter. But I got the impression that all decisions had been decided already, and that now it was just a matter of pushing papers.
  23. So this is just rumor-mill stuff (no holding me to this, guys!) but I was talking to a prof involved in selections today and was told that all of the applications have been evaluated, decisions have been made, and now it's just a matter of churning them through the bureaucracy...
  24. Not so much organizing, but for focus, (and I think I've said it before on the forum, but I'll say it again) I swear by SelfControl (http://selfcontrolapp.com/). It's a free app that blocks the internet for a set period of time, and there is (at least to a normal, non-computer genius person) no way to disable it after you've set the timer. I also love wunderlist (https://www.wunderlist.com/) because it syncs up on all your devices, and its a really pretty/streamlined to-do list app. Lastly, iProcrastinate (http://www.craigotis.com/) is my favourite app for keeping track of deadlines; I especially like that you can view your projects/deadlines by calendar or list format.
  25. Greek anthology
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