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    2014 Fall
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  1. I don't trust anyone who says they don't like children wtf
  2. I'm still waiting :/ I accepted an offer already--but I'm still hoping to get off the waitlist at my #1 choice. Hope we hear back soon!
  3. you are so lucky. i'm pretty sure i have to pay $300 for my deposit.
  4. I got an email saying that I won't hear anything until after the April 15th deadline about the waitlist...Ugh :'( Is anyone planning on accepting another offer and then backing out of it (losing $300) if you hear back from your waitlist schools? I really have no clue what to do right now....meh
  5. Yes! thanks for sharing this--this is the type of critical thinking that the field needs!
  6. Good article--definitely was having this conversation recently. But more related to how this entire field has been professionalized and if we honestly think about the institutions and think tanks that are doing the work, they are designed for the west and the privileged....Which is really disappointing because it leaves out a whole community of people. I mean the very people who are having these conversations are the people who have zero connection to the problems that they are dealing with---and those who are affected by this work don't have access to these institutions and think tanks
  7. Oh awesome!--I’m interested in the conversation around the role of aid in global health. Specifically, how aid (namely ngos, igo's, ect) has effected public health systems. Thinking about this more makes me wish I also applied to MA programs--I really enjoy interdisciplinary approaches to global health.
  8. Thanks for the info! I will take all of this into consideration--Really don't want to be in that much debt So I will be desperately hoping for anything!
  9. Yeah definitely. I would love to do a dual degree--but I'm worried that it would take me too long to finish/cost too much. Do you have a specific research interest? Or have you decided where you are going yet?
  10. i was going to do a dual degree but with international development. However, i think i'm leaning towards just getting a certificate.
  11. Thanks for the response! Does GWU have a good rep for giving out money? GWU is definitely my top choice (after UW) but we will see. I am desperately hoping for opportunities to find funding so that I can go there! If you don't mind me asking, how's living in D.C. in terms of cost for students--is it as outrageous as the tuition?
  12. So I'm really excited about getting into GWU and I would love to go there----BUT THAT TUITION THOUGH! Ugh. My question I guess is....is it worth it? Any Advice would be appreciated
  13. I think a the only thing that would make me choose Columbia over UW (other than prestige) would be that Columbia has specific tracks and it seems like students are able to choose a concentration within that program-where as UW has a general program.
  14. I think it depends on your interests and if the school matches your interests. I've heard that UW is good if your are interested in pursuing research-and maybe Columbia would be better if you weren't. Make a list of pros and cons-it really helps!
  15. Just heard from UW---I'm also wait-listed. And I also checked Johns Hopkins admission website out of impatience and found out about my rejection :/ One more school to hear from. Accepted: 1/6 Waitlisted: 1/6 Rejected: 3/6
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