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Everything posted by bamafan

  1. It is still adaptive, but no longer by question; instead, it's by section. The experimental section is usually absurdly easy compared to the others, that's how you know it's the experimental one. In practice, I don't think there's much difference between the CBT and PBT, especially since now, you can go back as well.
  2. Also, don't be afraid to call out your boss. She said she'd do you good on the hours, and reneged.
  3. I don't mean to be rude, but is there any question about this at all? Even if you weren't stressed or disrespected by this job, I'd say just quit, because the fast food salary is so low and opportunity cost so high, surely you would have greater utility if that time was spent doing something else. You don't have to put up with that stuff. Your education is far more important. Don't worry, your colleagues won't judge you.
  4. I've applied for 12, I might add 2 more. I don't think there's anything wrong with applying to more schools, just as long as you do a good job with your SOP and it isn't generic.
  5. Since you have Fs and Ds, I would definitely address it; however, I'd probably just describe them as personal relationship problems or something of that nature. I wouldn't go into the specifics you described above. If you can, spin it, ie, despite the personal/family/whatever problems of so and so time, I was able to learn from the experience and persevere to do x, y, z and excel my remaining terms, and whatever else you've done since then.
  6. Is there another professor you can ask? If you really have no other options, get the TA. It's important to complete the app and have three recommenders; incomplete apps are automatically in the trash. Ideally though, you don't want to submit recs from anyone who isn't a a prof, especially if he doesn't even have his PhD.
  7. I got a 6 and I'm in STEM fields. It wasn't very hard per se, it's just that you need to learn to write in their very specific "formula". In that sense, I personally don't think the AW section is representative of good writing. If you write a masterpiece and it doesn't fit their format, you wont get a 6 very likely. If you write a good one that does, you will. Also, if you can fit in nice GRE words, perhaps ones the reader doesn't even know, that's huge props. Just don't be pretentious or force it just to be seem erudite. Fit one in every now and then like it's nobody's business.
  8. If it's too late to retake the GRE, then go for it and take a shot at applications (though those fees do stack up!). It doesn't hurt to try! Certainly, if the rest of your application is strong, an admissions committee may overlook an aberrant GRE score. However, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes, the GRE is used as a sort of filter to automatically eliminate candidates before they even look at other parts of the app. So that's probably the main stumbling block.
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