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  1. All the best to you, jaylynn! UofT also recycles your references so that's one less thing to worry about! As a Lakehead grad I would recommend their program as well. I vaguely remember you asking about it last year (I could totally be wrong) but if you have any questions feel free to ask away.
  2. Yes, you do make more as a SW in Canada but jobs are few and far between in big cities unless you're willing to relocate to suburbs / rural areas. My plan is to work in the States for a few years to get more clinical experience before trying my luck in Canada lol. Just to give you an alternate take on things!
  3. Mine shows "Decision made" but this has only been the case after I mailed my confirmation letter and a $150 deposit.
  4. Hope you don't mind me jumping in! I am completing my HBSW at Lakehead Orillia and the whole program has relocated to the main campus. The facilities are nice but I miss being in the downtown core, where everything was accessible within walking distance. I highly recommend the program by the way! The professors I had are of superb quality and really know their stuff. The only downside with the program IMO are the online courses, which you have to do for some of your electives, and the limited number of social work electives available. The online courses are meant to give students flexibility to complete their electives while on placement in the winter semester. I didn't mind them, but I would rather do my electives in a classroom setting. I agree with Karlie regarding placements. I thought the field coordinator did a great job in securing placements for students in their communities, with consideration to the students' area(s) of interest. I can't speak to how it will be in the future because the school is expecting a new coordinator for the upcoming year.
  5. Thanks lol! I will keep you posted.
  6. Thanks! I am in Health and Mental Health. I'll follow up with my specialization application once I finalize my decision too. I chose Addiction studies. There is a very high likelihood I will choose UofT because my partner will be going to OCAD...
  7. CONGRATULATIONS MSW13!!! I am very happy for you. I received my offer of admission from UofT today too. My first choice is Laurier though so I will wait to see if they will extend any offers to me in the next 4 weeks. If not I will be seeing you in class in September! By the way, which stream are you in?
  8. Thanks, that's good to know. Maybe no news is good news for all of us who are still playing the waiting game!
  9. Several of my classmates ended up doing hospital placements. It's definitely a possibility in BSW programs. To work in one, however, you need your MSW and several years of relevant experience.
  10. No, my classmate said the online status remained the same at least for now. I don't think the letter mentioned anything about how many are waitlisted.... or he didn't tell me it if it had lol! We should receive something in the mail real soon!! (Advanced standing students.)
  11. Two of my classmates got letters from UofT today saying they are on the waitlist. I have yet to hear from them but my guess is I would be soon, regardless of what their decision is. The waiting is almost over.
  12. That's understandable! I find myself checking the site every other day too, wondering if there would be a change when I login this time... As you mentioned earlier, it is March so there is a big possibility we will hear back in a matter of days. My guess is next week or the week after at the latest. They wouldn't want to keep students waiting for too long especially when other schools are extending their offers too.
  13. Did you try making contact with them yourself lol? Just wondering.
  14. My Plan A is an MSW too! Plan B is working for a year, taking on contract/part-time social work jobs or maternity leave vacancies, and volunteering. I'll pursue Plan A again next year. Don't have a Plan C.
  15. Thanks! My experience hmmm... I'm currently completing my BSW and have my SSW diploma too. Cumulative GPA is in the A range. As for experience I've had 1.5 years of paid employment at a social service agency, and four placements from school totaling to about 1500+ hours when I complete my last placement this spring. I also did 2-3 years of volunteering.
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