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Everything posted by GhostsBeforeBreakfast

  1. I applied for the unpaid summer internship which asks for three choices; Film, Painting and Sculpture, and Media and Performance Art, all curatorial. It would really be a dream to get accepted for the film department. I still haven't heard anything back.
  2. What departments did you apply to for MoMA, Whiskers? Past gradcafe threads make it seem like they don't notify most people until the very end of March regarding interviews so I'm not giving up just yet!
  3. I would also like to know if anyone has heard back from MoMA. I was going to start a new thread but I figured it's not necessary...
  4. University of Chicago appears to be such an excellent school that I may as well apply there even if I'm not so keen on the location. I will look further into their modernist scholars, thank you .
  5. In regards to Hunter? Yes, I'm already in the CUNY system and would prefer to go elsewhere even though the program is ranked in the top 20. Also, as much as I love CUNY I don't see any curators at the Met or MoMA with CUNY degrees.
  6. Thank you, guys. Yes, I noticed my misspelling after it was too late to edit! Berkeley is my boyfriend's alma mater so he'd probably kill me if he saw that. This is all really great advice. I took most of these answers and put them into a word document to keep me on track. I do not feel discouraged in the least. My internship advisor at this time is probably the right person to ask as he will likely also be my senior thesis advisor. Unfortunately my department advisor, on the other hand, is a bit biased and bitter so he will only give me certain recommendations. I will likely have to do much research on my own. I suppose while I'm on break and interning there's nothing better than taking time to do this now. I understand now why answers have not been simply handed to me here.
  7. Thank you for advice that lacks the same degree of condescension as others. Hopefully this thread already shows that I am proactive.
  8. I had good reason not to word my question like that; I didn't want to limit any answers. I'm currently most interested in Columbia, Princeton, Berkley, NYU, and CUNY Hunter as a last resort. Of course, I emphasized curation because Berkley, for example, breeds more professors than curators. I also don't really want to go to NYU. I was actually interested to see if there were schools I wasn't even considering that happened to have professors knowledgeable in my specific concentration/interests.
  9. I figure someone who is interested in similar movements and is already in a graduate program could let me know which are the best for this concentration, someone here can surely do that. Being pointed in the right direction would be nice. I will, of course, be doing my own research but first-hand reviews of programs are surely valuable.
  10. I actually noticed, well after making this thread, that someone already asked a similar question only to be criticized for not being more detailed. As I previously stated, my ultimate goal is museum curation but I don't necessarily want to be limited to a museum studies program. I'm not even sure just yet if I want to do an MA en route or just start with an MA and get to my PhD later. I've been told more recently that 20th century is the most popular area of study but when I look at university websites it seems like everyone is concentrating in either Renaissance or Contemporary. I do like Post-War but I'm more concerned with "Imp Mod." I'm very interested in Dada and Drawn-on-Film animation. I'd love to work with an expert in either of these fields. Thank you, everyone.
  11. I think we forget that the lines drawn and names for movements aren't permanent. Chances are that this era won't be properly defined for at least a century, only to be refuted again years later. I'm concerned with how current/contemporary art will be defined but I'm not all that concerned with what we'll be labeling it as it's bound to change.
  12. Hello everyone. I'm currently a college junior who is interested in finding out what graduate schools are the best for a 20th Century Art concentration. I'm also ultimately interested in curation.
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