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Posts posted by RubyBright

  1. I am so sick of hearing "You got this!" From friends and family. What part of only 25 selected out of 3000+ applications don't they understand!!!


    That's been my problem. One of the programs I applied to has only one person doing research that I'm suited for, and she is taking on one new grad student. The program normally receives over 1,000 applications each year. So when one of my friends just said, "I already know you're getting in, so congratulations!" I just sighed and reined in the crazy. I've given up trying to explain.

  2. You guys need to check out #overlyhonestmethods on Twitter over the last few days. Research humor! Including a few jokes by some pretty big names. Funniest thing I've seen in a while.


    Oh dear. I was reading that last night, and couldn't stop laughing to save my life.

  3. Let's be honest here. As much as we have all read and talked to professors and contacted POIs, none of us really know how it works. I have been admitted to a few programs and I still really don't know "how" it all works.


    Well, I more mean that they seem to think that as long as you have good grades and good LORs, you'll get in everywhere you apply - more like undergrad. But no, I agree that we only have a somewhat better idea!

  4. But what about my grandchildren?!?!?!" 


    This was said by my mother immediately after I told her that I was applying to PhD programs out of state.


    Sounds very familiar! ... Except I'm not married. Or even engaged. And test tube babies just aren't in my field of study!


    And DataTape, that's all I keep hearing. I don't have the heart to tell them that I think I've already been rejected from one of my programs. People (my mother included) really don't seem to understand how grad school works... especially the admissions part.

  5. I just spent the last half hour staring at my CV. So far I've found an extra space, a missing comma, and a better way to phrase something. This. must. stop. :(


    I just discovered that in one of my SOPs, I accidentally changed font size halfway through. That's it, no more reviewing already-submitted materials for me.

  6. I feel sick. I just found out a colleague of mine passed away yesterday. He's the one that encouraged me to apply to grad school and really was the first to help pair me up with resources. Meeting him changed my life. Now I'm even more anxiety ridden about getting into a program...it just means so  much more now. I can't stop crying... :(


    I'm so sorry, PhDreams. :( I am sure that when you get in, it will be a fitting tribute to someone who helped you so much. 

  7. I don't think they're fake interview invites, Bpsydme. The two on the results section say that they were invited to phone interview. DrClinPsyAdvice is probably referring to the official Interview Day that UNC holds.

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