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Posts posted by RubyBright

  1. I have two top choices out of four total applications, and so far I have an interview scheduled for one of the top choice schools. So I'm really happy about that.  :)  The other school hasn't reviewed applications yet. I figure that if I don't get in this time, I will - like many others - strengthen my application and try again next year. I don't see where it's worth hanging around a school you don't like for five years of your life!

  2. I have a feeling this is what I'll be doing when/if I get admissions offers.  Rejections might be posted a bit sooner - less information to wait on...though more crying to do...


    What's everyone's take on filling out your stats, the "red diamond" information?  I'm planning to post mine, but I noticed lots of people haven't been doing so.


    I haven't decided yet. It does make you much more identifiable if anyone from your programs happens to be browsing there... but how bored would they have to be to do that?

  3. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "types." Would you be after something like (for example) a Myers-Briggs typology, or maybe someone high in extroversion on the Big Five, and how those relate to the things you listed (i.e. people high in neuroticism exhibit higher working memory capacity - I made that up, by the way)? Or do you mean something else? 

  4. I don't actually see where being a professional student is such a terrible thing, as long as you're contributing to each field as you reach it. Should we really stop broadening our field of knowledge because someone thinks we've been at it too long? Of course, I don't know how they said it. It does seem possible, as Woosah said, that they were just trying to understand what you're after.

  5. I plan to post more or less immediately when I hear something. Two of my programs currently have NO listings in the GradCafe results page, so I know I'm not listing superfluous information. As for telling everyone else... I think I may actually hold off on any positive decisions, at least a little bit. I know people will freak out and want to know all the details I just don't know yet.

  6. I agree, being unable to log into more than one ApplyYourself app at a time was both a.) irritating and b.) confusing, since it didn't say that was the problem. But I think that the one that took the cake was the school that required me to submit fall grades, but wouldn't email my recommenders until after I submitted my application. Read as: gave my recommenders only a week to get in letters before the deadline.

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