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Everything posted by SchoolPsychGirl

  1. Thanks for the tips! For Columbia TC, my writing sample was atually on RTI and mental health in schools. YAYAYYAY!! Congrats!!!!! Yay - that is super exciting!! Have you heard from TC yet?
  2. Oops posted this in wrong thread...sorry
  3. I recieved an email from Teacher's College, Columbia University today inviting me for an interview on 2/25/13 So excited but SO nervous! I hope to hear back from my others soon, too!
  4. Hey! Congrats on your acceptances Just curious, where on the VIP page did you see the good news? When I visit mine, I can't really figure out where that would be?
  5. Anyone? Dying over here waiting!!
  6. Hi to the OP! Did you ever hear back from your schools?
  7. Hey there! Just wondering if you ever heard back from any of your schools?
  8. Just jumping on to follow this thread. I applied to several Masters & Specialist School Psych programs but no PhD. My schools are: Columbia Fordham Pace Iona CUNY Brooklyn I'm actually starting to wish I applied to a couple more schools now Anyone hear anything yet?
  9. Anyone hear anything? I'm dying!
  10. Congrats on your interview! I applied to Master's (in school psych) to : Columbia Fordham Pace Iona CUNY Brooklyn My GPA is about 3.7, Recc's are good- not SOLID but good, SOP was pretty good....GRE wasn't spectacular-and I'm worried :/ All of my deadlines were 1/15 except Brooklyn and Iona which are 2/1 & 2/15. Just waiting now I guess. I'm trying not to get too hopefull about Columbia.
  11. Thanks for the imput. I have taken out the part about my parents. As I've mentioned in a previous post, it was only to subtely tie in that they were in the field I'm applying in and my exposure came at an early age. But, I figured out a different way to say it As for the part about my plans for graduate study, I have this (which is a few paragraph's into the paper): Although I am fascinated with all areas of child and educational psychology, I am particularly interested in the parent-child relationship and attachment theory as they pertain to learning, psychological and emotional adjustment, and the impact of broad or acute childhood stress on learning, cognition, and future mental health. Other topics of high interest include adolescent aggression as well as multicultural barriers to success in the academic domains of reading, language and testing. I am also hoping to expand my understanding of Response to Intervention (RTI) and its potential for shaping educational reform. I view the holistic problem-solving approach, as seen in RTI, as a gateway for a fundamental shift in the way mental health services in schools are implemented. With an increase in the complexity and severity of student behavior and learning needs in schools, it is within the contextual framework of approaches such as RTI that I hope to serve as a vehicle to success for children in need. I can safely say that the diverse yet compatible nature of my coursework in special education, multiculturalism and child psychology coupled with my experiences in educational settings to this point have served as an excellent platform for graduate work. I am eager to begin honing the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to become an outstanding school psychologist. While I plan to continue working in educational settings indefinitely, eventually I would like to adjoin my love for child psychology with other related interests such as mindfulness, meditation and positive psychology. In the long term, I am not removed from the notion of pursuing doctoral work to strengthen the potential for impact beyond the boundaries of educational settings. Thoughts? Feedback?
  12. I am going to take it out. I was just trying to explain a little further- maybe clear up the misconception that it had no relation to my reasons for pursuing psychology. I want to go into the field because I have an incredible passion for children, education and psychology. Educational psychology and working to help children succeed academically, emotionally, behaviorally, socially and cognitively is something I feel called to do. With diversity in schools increasing, mental health problems becoming more obvious at earlier ages, I feel children are in need of MORE in the way of mental health services in schools. I love the study of the human experience in general but more specifically, I love the potential this sort of work has on the future generations, society etc. I love the notion of being a part of education reform through bringing in a broader spectrum of psychological services in educational settings...on and on....
  13. Thanks everyone. I figured this was probably what I would hear. I rationalized that since my parents both graduated with degrees within the same field I am pursuing- and the immersion of psychology and learning I was exposed to at an early age helped shape my interests and in that way, their backgrounds are relevant....not so much bragging but just saying that they were heavily into learning, education, etc and loved the field of psychology. I mention it sort of like: 'as a product of my parents (description of their education and training in psych), I was exposed to the world of psychology at an early age....' ....But I suppose that could come off as bragging or attempting to "rely" on something that I really should not. Anyway, my background is a bit different. Directly out of high school (9 years ago), I went to college and did very poorly. I wasn't ready. Several years later, I was refocused and much more mature. I returned to school and have maintained a GPA over 3.5 ever since. However, I have since married and had two children (while still working on my undergrad)...and while being a mother has been the greatest gift in the world, it has put a damper on my ability to spend a lot of time beyond coursework and the kids (and a part time job). Thus, my resume is not SUPER in terms of experience, research, volenteer work, etc....so maybe my lack of confidence comes from the thinking that I need all the help I can get....
  14. lol got it. Coming from a biological standpoint though- genetics have to count for something, right? So your suggestion is to not mention it at ALL?
  15. I'm wondering if the same suggestions apply for non-doctoral applicants as to the importance of lining up one's research interests with those of the faculty members/department philosophy? Also, I know that with the doctoral SOPs, its more important to stay focused mainly on what you want to do in research, your future aspirations in the field, etc...while I am still discussing these things in my SOP, I am also discussing what lead me to the place I am at now...Do you all think this part is a little more flexible with non-doctoral apps? For Columbia, this was the directive they stated for the Masters program I'm applying to: The statement of purpose is an important part of the application review process. The statement of purpose should be two to three pages in length double spaced. Describe your background, past work in the intended field of study, plans for graduate study and a professional career, or any other information that is relevant. For me, this translates to a little more leniacy in this regard? I'm struggling with how much to brag about too- which I stated in another post I believe- things like my parents as Ivy Leage grads and professionals in the field of which I am applying too... Anyway, any thoughts/ideas/suggestions are much appreciated
  16. Hello!! So thankful for this community.... Anyway, I'm writing the SOP and really conflicted with how much I should "brag" /or share about regarding things like: My parents Ivy League history (Harvard, Columbia, Penn) Their line of work I know it should be relevant to why I want to pursue the program, my goals, etc...I wish I could just find a way to ease it in without sounding like I'm name dropping, etc Any suggestions?
  17. I'm actually in a similar position! I'm in NY and applying to 5 School Psych Master's/Specialist programs: Columbia Pace Fordham CUNY Brooklyn Iona Nervous!! I am trying to beat the deadline as we speak, finishing up the essays....where are you in the process?
  18. FREAKING OUT!!! Have all docs but still have 5 essays to write!

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  19. I am in a similar situation. My poor coursework was done from 2002-2003/4. I took a break from school from 2004 to 2007 when I resumed full time school. From 2007 onward, I maintained mostly straight As with an occasional B+. I am wondering if I need to explain my immarture "bout" with school directly out of high school? Slightly older now, at 28, I am also married with two small children. I am not sure whether that should be a part of my explanation, either! Eek!
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