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architecture 604

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  1. Hi! I am interested in applying to the Courtauld and it says that the current deadline for the 2016/2017 year is April 1st. However, I keep seeing Courtauld acceptances and rejections on the Results Board and in the thread on this page. Is it too late do you think for me to apply this year? Or is it more of a rolling basis?
  2. There is a thread over in the Literature thread on this and I thought it may be a nice distraction! I got interested in Hybrid Modernities and global history because as an undergrad my department had a very strong 20th century Asian Art professor, strong Latin Americanist and my eventual mentor who works on Modern Middle Eastern city planning. Due to this, I was got my basics of modern art and architecture through a non-Western viewpoint, which was invaluable to excitement about the field. How about everyone else?
  3. I'm moving back from two years in Asia, and am excited to finally be around real books again! After living through my Kindle since books in English were hard to come by, the thought of access to a library seems like the biggest luxury in the world.
  4. Does anyone have any experience with the MA program at U of Oregon that they would mind sharing with me? It seems like a nice program from the website, but I would love to hear a current or past students opinion! Please share or PM me! Thanks to everyone for being so helpful so far!
  5. Hi guys! I hope everyone is doing alright. I was wondering if anyone has experiences with University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's MA program in Art History or the Department in general. I've been having a hard time finding information. Please please share or PM me!
  6. I did not receive an email and randomly checked my status one night to find that I had been accepted into a Masters program. I didn't have any communication with a POI from the school or anyone else. Anticlimactic for sure, but hey still good news!
  7. This thread is extremely helpful! Thanks! I'm an architectural historian but I focus mostly on looking at architecture through its context and within the realm of memory studies, so I read a lot of Pierre Nora, Bourdieu, Anderson and Bhabha. But all these suggestions are very helpful.
  8. Hey! What do you guys say when you email them? What is the question that you usually ask? While I can usually include a few sentences about the research goals we have in common, I feel like I'm wasting their time if I just ask if they are taking students.
  9. Hey guys! Does anyone have any advice regarding the attitudes towards MA students at these schools? Are the MA students seen as cash cows or are they know for treating their MA's well? The list of schools is: University of Delaware, Penn State, Boston University, University of Minnesota Any advice is appreciated!
  10. Hey guys! I know this has been brought up before, but I was wondering, is it alright to contact potential advisors and just say: this is my work, this is what I want to accomplish. I like your work for this reason, these are the intersections between the two and what I can learn from you and the program. Can you tell me if X school is a good fit? I'm applying to Masters programs so I don't know how accepted reaching out to professors is. What do you all think?
  11. Hey guys! I don't think this thread has been started yet, but how is everyone doing in terms of gearing up for the next application season? Personally, I've picked out my schools, am studying for my second GRE (ugh) and working on my writing sample. How is everyone else doing?
  12. Hello! Does anyone know of any funded Masters degrees in American Studies?
  13. This is all very helpful advice, thank you! I really appreciate it. My plan at the moment is to get an MA in Art History (preferably Architectura) and then a PhD in American Studies, although the more I research the more I'm considering switching to a PhD in Art History. So this is all very helpful to me personally! Lets keep the funded MA list going!
  14. This is all great information! Thanks. I thought it would be helpful if we could just compile a list. I have another question. I'm gearing up for the cycle this upcoming fall and have done quite a bit of research. I know what I want to study, who and where I want to study. However, I feel that I would get significantly more (especially in terms of developing language skills) by doing the MA first. Plus, I am unsure of my chances of getting into a PhD program. So, for places like UPenn, which is in my top choices, would you suggest that I apply to the MA program and let them know I hope to plan on continuing to the PhD program? I'm worried that if I apply for the MA strictly (and this is for any school), I will be cut out of funding anywhere, but that if I apply for the Phd then my chances for acceptance will be very low. Any thoughts?
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