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Everything posted by MSWgradcandidate

  1. Thanks for that, helpful to know!
  2. Just curious if anyone accepted to Fordham also received any type of scholarship with acceptance? Thx!
  3. Just curious if anyone accepted to Fordham also received any type of scholarship? Thx!
  4. Accepted to Fordham today! Probably still sticking with NYU. Good luck, everyone!
  5. I got my rejection almost 2 weeks after the interview. They really do look for some type of social work experience, so not sure why I was invited to the interview, but still feels good that they even considered me. I bet you did great!!
  6. Has anyone else with a "completed" application as of January been notified of admission decision from Fordham? I know someone got word and that app was completed as of 1/14, so just wondering I anybody else has heard?
  7. My app was completed on 1/4, acceptance received on 2/14.
  8. Hey Sammr, So was this what made the decision happen for you (lack of response, etc) or was it also financial/ courses? I haven't heard back from Fordham but if I am accepted, it will make me think twice. I want to focus on clinical which is why acceptance to NYU was so exciting to me.
  9. Mine has been completed since 1/10. I was told would hear back by mid February, but nothing still. I have followed up with a call, but was only told "soon". Someone else on this board who was completed on 1/14 already heard back, so who knows.
  10. Yes, today on the website. No email was sent.
  11. It's okay, I'm not upset at all. I think I heard first because they decided that I wasn't going to be accepted, so I wouldn't take it as a bad sign hit yet. Keep your hopes up and keep thinking positive!
  12. Hey there! I just got my rejection from Hunter. I'm actually relieved because I really want NYU for their clinical strength but was stressing over the potential of having to choose based on cost. Well, now that it's off the table, I'm relieved and will be attending NYU, even if I get into Fordham. Btw, I can't say that I am surprised to hear about the rejection from Hunter. Although my personal essay, etc was good enough to get me an interview, I have to say that I was the only person at that table with no actual social service experience, and the Dean of Admissions DID say at the information session, VERY CLEARLY, that she looks for social work experience, and doesn't remember the last time that they accepted anyone without experience. Reason for this is that from day one, you are put into field work that requires you to have a basic understanding of what services are available. I can't imagine that every single student has previous experience, but who knows. Have you heard back?
  13. That's outstanding! Congrats!! Good problem to have. :-)
  14. Me too! Fingers crossed....
  15. Not yet-- I expect (hope) within the next week...
  16. Congrats in Fordham! Still waiting... Ugh! So they send an email at all or u just have to keep checking your VIP page?
  17. Anyone had their interview at Hunter on Monday and hear back yet?
  18. I wouldn't worry-- not sure if you've heard back since this post, but mine was completed on 1/10 and as of today, still nothing back.. same status as yours.
  19. Congrats!! Fordham at Lincoln Center was my undergrad. Loved the school and the area! I'm still waiting to hear back- App complete on 1/10..
  20. Went to the Hunter interview on Monday. Same as what most people who have gone reported- about 9 of us in a conference room. They said could be anywhere from 2-4 weeks, but I have heard that it is typically less before they get back to you. Still haven't heard from Fordham- they said 3-6 weeks from completion date, but it has now been 8 weeks. I did call them this morning to ask if they had any idea when I would hear back, and she said probably soon. Oh well, just keep waiting..
  21. Hey there! I applied on 12/21.. emailed them on 1/31 and said I would hear in 2 weeks, but as of today, NADA! So, don't be too concerned. It looks like they are taking longer than they originally thought they would take.
  22. Yes, these are blanket statements that can be confusing and very condescending, but if there is truth to it, then I want to know about it for sure..
  23. Hey CaliGirl, Rejections stink, but please try to not take it personal and this isn't like you're 28yrs old competing on American Idol, and it's your last chance!!! :-) I'm being silly, but you get my point- yes, you can reapply! Don't give up! Good luck to you!!
  24. Hey guys, Just wanted to run this by you all. So I've read on another forum (two actually) some people giving advice to other MSW hopefuls that they shouldn't waste too much money on getting an MSW degree, and to apply to NYU, Columbia or Fordham because they "accept anyone". So here are some things that I would like to vent and get your feedback to those comments: 1) I feel that it's very disrespectful to first of all, tell anyone "it's an MSW, so don't waste too much money on getting the degree". No one should be putting a psychological or even economic worth on what the degree is. We all know that you don't go into social work to become a Fortune 500. However, if to me, going to the University that I want, and which will give me the education, tools and overall experience that I am looking for, it may well be worth $50-60,000. That's my problem and I am the one who will have to deal with the loans or however I choose to finance. If anyone is choosing to pay that amount for their MSW, then that is what it is worth to them and I'm sure that they will work hard to be successful and have a return on investment. No doubt at all about that. 2) I'm not sure where or how these individuals know what criteria is used by places such as Columbia, NYU or Fordham, but to say that "they accept anyone" is again, offensive and disrespectful to every individual who has worked hard to have a personal statement which obviously shows graduate-level writing or potential, excellent letters of recommendation and then of course, at least some sort of decent gpa. However, if anyone really knows that the statement "they accept anyone" is true, I would like to know how/where I can find evidence of that, as such proof would certainly influence my decision as to where I choose to go. But just saying that "they have a 75% acceptance rate" will not be enough, as we well know that when evaluating MSW applicants, the admissions committees are looking for things beyond test scores and a GPA, certain qualities and substance.. Oh, and if you're going to say that the 25% that didn't get in most probably had some serious academic infraction, then show me your research and where you got that from. 3) Lastly, social work is not for everyone, just like law school or medical school or teaching is not for everyone, etc, etc. Each of those roles serves a purpose, but they all have one thing in common-- an advanced degree takes dedication, hard work, long hours, financial and personal sacrifices, regardless of whether it is a Masters degree or a PHD, and I think that anyone wanting to better themselves should be applauded and supported. That's it. Thanks for listening- feeling better!
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