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Everything posted by Cornell07

  1. BC08, The graduate administrative assistant @ Duke is never at her phone. I just got (un)lucky today!
  2. Yar. Dinged by Duke. I called them and they said if you have not recieved notification yet (the letters were sent out two weeks ago), you have been rejected. Columbia cannot give out info over the phone, but the administrator says that all letters were sent out via snail mail at the end of last week. As I live in the NYC area, hopefully I should recieve the news today. My hopes aren't too high at this point, but... well... who knows!
  3. Dinged again! Let's see... I'm down to two safeties and two reaches. (Three reaches if you don't count the unofficial rejection from Pton)
  4. Ugh. Get me out of New York! I mean, if I get into Columbia and both Pton and Harvard turn me down, I'd absolutely go, but I've had enough of this city. After working in NYC for the past year to save up $ for grad school, I've realized it is too damn expensive here. Even younger attorneys at my law firm who make gobs and gobs of money, often have very modest apartments, and I am not even a lawyer; suffice to say, I do not make gobs and gobs of money. I don't know how one can live on a grad student's budget in NYC!
  5. BC08 Dare I say you've applied to a wide range of schools and the two who have rejected you thusfar are some of the most competitive ones on that list. As we used to say in Boston "Calm ya livah!"
  6. Call me crazy but I've called most of my schools starting in mid-February, usually when I am most anxious! On that note, where the heck is Columbia's decision??? They said last Friday that they were going to release them Friday or Monday and it's almost 5 o'clock here in NYC. Mmm... I could actually hit up the subway and be there before 5 pm if I was very lucky and a subway would be right on the platform when I arrive.... On second thought... nah! :wink:
  7. Sorry for sounding a little paranoid. Harvard, because of certain faculty members, is easily my top choice school and match and I'm looking for any indication about what may have happened.
  8. Well. It was not just my name. I said "[My first name]" and they said "...and your last name?". Trust me: no one gets my name written down in one try without having me spell it out.
  9. Any idea why they wanted to know my name? I hope it wasn't b/c I had already been rejected and they aren't allowed to tell you that over the phone. :|
  10. 1) Pick the top "recently" published books in your field 2) Find out where the authors teach 3) More well-published authors at a given institution = better program
  11. I envy law school applicants, because they have one central system through which they submit all of their documents, LORs, and apps. No fuss regarding recs arriving on time or being forgotten by their senders. No fuss regarding missing docs. Sigh.
  12. I'd say it is almost impossible to determine if they are using a waitlist at the moment as no one seems to have been formally rejected [yet from Princeton].
  13. "We've received a number of requests for information about admissions; you should receive something in the mail soon, in the next week or so. If you do not, call me." Harvard's history department graduate studies coordinator. She asked for my name, which I told her. I thought that was a bit odd. I do hope it is not for Santa's (John Harvard's) Naughty-Nice List for being a bad boy who called...
  14. I' I am about to find out if it was worth it to apply to BU. BU has a decent program, but I was mainly applying because they have a number of international relations historians.
  15. Has anyone heard when Harvard will release their decisions? (Of course, other than missi's wonderful early news)
  16. I'm just starting to look into MA programs as a back-up. I thought that MA's as a general rule do not offer funding. Am I wrong?
  17. I am strangely resigned to my fate of not getting into a PhD program this year, except for maybe BU as it is a less competitive program. On the upside, I am sure, as my profs agree, to almost certainly get into a great MA program if I reapply next year, which will be a good stepping stone to a top-notch PhD program. I, too, don't want to spend all this money again for apps or pay out of pocket for an MA, but c'e la vie: I want to be a historian and such things won't stop me. I may have aimed too high this time around (I never expected to get into all or most of my top programs... but one acceptance is all that matters), but, as I've always known, "You've got to aim really high if you want to reach the moon."
  18. Rejected by UPenn. Login to the application website.
  19. Umm. I'm suddenly not entirely sure that one of my recs sent in all of his letters. I thought that I had been a good boy and double-checked everything, but I just rechecked the sites after having a ominous sensation and... a couple are missing his letter. Umm. Umm. Crap? :oops:
  20. groundball, amanda, I study applied history for foreign policy makers, which is basically studied by one really awesome, old guy at Harvard cross-connected with the History Department and the Kennedy School, another two guys at Yale, and some people cross-connected between the Woodrow Wilson School and the History Dept at Princeton. It's the "applied" part that really irks some people and the part that has fascinated me. I find it odd that so few people study this topic considering many policy makers have used history to formulate their plans and how many continue to do so everyday (often with disastrous consequences). If we really study history so that we don
  21. As a Cornellian, I wholeheartedly support going to Cornell. PM me if you have any questions!
  22. amanda, I am in a similar boat. I study US foreign policy in manner that few people study and, often, many professors look down on. The undergraduate professor of mine who introduced me to this manner warned me about the controversy about it. Very few people study it in this way and those who do are limited to a very few select programs like Harvard, which makes my life much harder. So, I applied mostly to people who study modern us military and foreign policy and even stretched it to people studying modern US history. On a side note: UNC tells me that acceptances are going to be very staggered this year with the final ones possibly being as late as April 1.
  23. Here's hoping, indeed! Let's just say, I hope that it is not alphabetically by last name Many huge congrats to you missycari. You have some awesomely difficult decisions to make.
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