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Everything posted by Cornell07

  1. Damn. So, I guess that means no Pton for me... unless they are slowly sending them out one by one
  2. Apparently, according to the Dept of History, the graduate admissions office at BU has been awful this year about losing things. I had to re-ask one of my recommenders twice to send his letter and the office apparently lost my personal statement... the one that was electronically submitted with the rest of the application...
  3. I think that 85% of this board will explode if there aren
  4. I know! I just saw it and was |----this----| close to whipping out my cell phone and calling them before I caught myself.
  5. Minnesotan: Yale didn't accept any PhD track students w/o funding did they? I mean, they have more money than a number of small countries!
  6. While I find the process of secretly notifying acceptees early while those who are rejected sweat it out to be excruciating and frustrating, I would welcome a process of notifying rejects as soon as their decision is made and then waiting until the last minute to tell the acceptees. :twisted:
  7. 630 V, 770 Q, 5.5 A are 90th, 88th, 88th percentiles respectively.
  8. Ooo. BU made its decision on me today. Does anyone know how long it takes them to notify you?
  9. It is frustrating as heck to know that I got a 630 V 77O Q 5.5 A when I am a historian! Couldn't the V and Q be switched?
  10. Ah! But that is what cell phones are for!
  11. Damn. Not another one of these "Let's contact all acceptees and let the rejected-types sweat it out"
  12. Stacy, did they tell you your decision?
  13. Looks like some people are getting their envelopes for Harvard. I'm -this- close to breaking down and calling them.
  14. Hey missycari, I've seen your acceptances rolling in at applycorner and let me be the second to say, "Damn. I'm impressed." :shock: You must've put together one heck of an application!
  15. Even without any acceptances, my second rejection was much easier to take than my first.
  16. Ah. I read it too quickly and thought that 75% was the overall acceptance rate, not just for interviewees.
  17. The Dude: You can call the history office directly and they will tell you. Good luck!
  18. Donna mia! 75% is an astronomically high acceptance rate!
  19. A fair number of schools simply have not made all of their decisions. Just to take a snapshot: According to their website, BU is only about halfway done with making their decisions (roughly 15 decisions every other day, with 210 applications). Columbia may not finish making all decisions until Thursday (or so the dept. secretary says). Looking responses at previous years, Harvard may not available until March 1. If more than one person posts on the admissions board from one of my schools, then I typically call the department.
  20. Cornell07


    According to one of my undergrad profs, he says that language ability is fantastically important in the whole application process and that his admissions committee often must pick cull applicants on this basis
  21. Have good weekend everyone! I suspect that few if any people will recieve any sort of formal notification over the weekend, so enjoy not needing to frantically check your email for a few days.
  22. Damn. Rejected by Yale. It was a long shot. On the upside, I don't need to move to New Haven!
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