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Everything posted by Cornell07

  1. What is this GWU app tracker people are talking about? I applied to GWU - Eliot, my app is complete, but I do not have an app tracker.
  2. Actually, it would start ASAP (probably in about 2 weeks) and last for 10 weeks. Since working on a campaign last year, I've been doing temp legal work in NYC while trying to land a new political job or internship. *fingers crossed* I have a telephone interview in a few hours.
  3. GW people, you are all for the GWIPP, not the Elliot School, right?
  4. In other news, I just landed an interview for a political activism internship!
  5. That's good to hear. I received a brusque email from them a while ago when I asked if not having taken Macro would pose a problem for my application.
  6. I know they stop processing incoming materials in two weeks. I know this because they have twice lost my personal statement. Boo-urns.
  7. All rejects last year (well, one waitlist). No word yet this time around.
  8. Righty-oh. I'm in that boat. I was doing financial paralegal work for 1 year plus a couple seasonal internships until the field started crashing and I joined a political campaign.
  9. That's awesome. I've been a big fan of Brookings ever since I did high school debate. I would love to have an RA job there.
  10. Ideally, I see myself working on the legislative affairs team at the State Department or as a policy adviser on Capitol Hill focusing on diplomacy and security issues. Thus, International: Politics and International: Conflict Studies. Also, in the long term, I'd like to continue my research on "practical history" as a minor aspect of my career. (see: "Thinking In Time" by May and Neustadt). Thus, Other: History, Theory.
  11. Definitely felt that there was some info that many poster want to know about the rest of the board. I felt that this would make it easier to get that info at a glance.
  12. I selected Law and Activism. I worked as a paralegal for a while doing international finance and then joined the Obama for America campaign.
  13. So you are applying to grad school in government affairs. As we all know, prior work experience is highly valued. Therefore most people on this board have some. What best describes your pre-grad school experience? Select all appropriate answers. Describe below.
  14. Hey guys, I posted a quick survey on the main Gov't Affairs board, because I am curious, like I think many other people here are, what is the direction of studies make-up of this board.
  15. Quick survey. What is the make-up of government affairs grad students on this board? As many people have interests that overlap multiple areas, feel free to vote in multiple categories.
  16. Get this: I applied online to the Kennedy School of Gov't at Harvard. Somehow, they lost my statement of purpose. I'll say that again. I submitted my SOP online with the rest of my application. They received the rest of my application. They did not receive my SOP. *insert expletive of your choice* If you are from Harvard and reading this, please still accept me. If you do, all hard feelings will be forgotten.
  17. I don't want to think about it. I was rejected across the board last year, so doing it twice is double the pain. Thank god my undergraduate institution does not charge for transcripts.
  18. 770 Q, 630 V, 5.5 AW -- Q is in the top 25% or better for international relations programs; V is right smack in the middle.
  19. Boo! People should not be hearing back yet! (Because I'm still waiting) :wink: Anywho, congrats to those who received good news today. Let's hope we all get some good news soon.
  20. I just got an email from HKS saying that they are missing my personal statement. How on earth are they missing my SOP if I sent in my application online???
  21. I seem to remember having read that one somewhere. On a related note, I read this today: "Thesis: Martha Washington was a hottie" : http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/01/AR2009020102023.html?hpid=topnews "
  22. Out of curiosity, did anyone else apply to Yale's IR program? I know that it is much less structured / professionally geared than most other IR programs, but it still seemed like one could still receive an excellent background in professionally (as opposed to academically) oriented IR if you play your cards correctly.
  23. Gah. Now that January is over, the real waiting game begins. *head a-splodes*
  24. Here's a quick personal info dump for me, the Int'l Relations hopeful: Scores: 770 Q / 630 V / 5.5 W 3.6 GPA in History at Cornell University Relevant Experience 1.5 years at a large NYC law firm focusing on structured finance Cornell Policy Debate Team + Post-Graduation Alumni Adviser Obama for America campaign unpaid staff Other Conducted faculty supervised research Presented a paper at a history/policy conference in D.C. Ideally, looking for a program that has a mix of theory and practice components, an opportunity to conduct research or other significant writing, simulations and case studies, a multi-disciplinary emphasis, and, while I can handle it, less emphasis on economics. Ultimately, I want to work on another political campaign in a policy advisory role and then work on The Hill doing similar work for a senator or at the State Dept.
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