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Posts posted by Cornell07

  1. If you are like me, you are often momentarily confused ( :? ) when you look at the "Georgetown" thread talking about "having been accepted/rejected/waitlisted at Georgetown", because the GPPI applicants started hearing back a long time ago and we, SFS, have not. So, to reduce overlap, regional studies, MSFS, Security Studies, and MBA people, post here!

  2. Cornell07, curious, why are you learning Cantonese? It's only spoken in HK, Vancouver, some parts of Southern China, and dim sum restaurants. Even in HK, companies were looking for people fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.

    *facepalm* That was a typo/slip of the mind (oh how the mind starts to go in the mid-20's!). Yes, I am starting to learn Mandarin, not Cantonese.

  3. At 9:00 p.m., [the admissions staff] felt too tired to continue. Laurie said they actually rechecked the blog to be sure I had left them a little wriggle room, and they went home. So, not everything went out at once. In years gone by, this wouldn
  4. Depending on the school I go to, I may take a course in Macro at a local community college. I'm already brushing up my language skills for a potential proficiency exam - too bad Italian TV is awful.

    If I get some funding for a school or if I decide to go to LSE, then I'll probably take an honest to god vacation - either a backpacking trip through Europe (yay for the Euro tanking) or a road-trip (yay for depressed gas prices). This is the last time in my life that I'll really have time to do either of those while being young.

  5. Other rejects, I looked on the results board and, judging by some of the comments, it seems some people got semi-personalized rejection letters that alluded to a lack of professional experience as a reason for rejection. Here was my letter, did anyone receive something different? If so, please share.

    The Committee on Admissions and Scholarships has completed its review of your application for admission. I am sorry to notify you that you have not been admitted to The Fletcher School.

    The Committee carefully evaluates all applicants and examines many different facets of the background of each individual, including academic performance, work experience, career plans, and community involvement. Both the strengths and weaknesses of your qualifications have been reviewed relative to those of other applicants.

    As interest in graduate study in international affairs has grown, so has the number of highly qualified applicants. With our limited enrollment and the large number of applications we receive, there are many fine candidates whom we, unfortunately, are unable to accommodate.

    We appreciate your interest in The Fletcher School, and wish you the best of luck and success with your future plans.

  6. 1) What type of jobs do students get when they graduate?

    Reflecting their diverse interests, MA graduates go in many directions upon graduation. Public service remains a popular choice, with students (both U.S. and international) entering agencies involved with international development, foreign policy, trade, and security and defense. The private sector - primarily financial services firms and consulting companies - draws those graduates with strong quantitative skills. Many graduates also pursue careers in the nonprofit sector.

    Some of the employers that attracted the Class of 2008 include: Congressional Research Service, US Department of Defense, US Department of State, Morgan Stanley, United Nations, Brookings Institution, ShoreBank International, US Army, Debevoise & Plimpton, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Japan, McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Company, Credit Suisse, David and Lucille Packard Foundation, and the Asia Society.

    2) Did anyone get any $? According to the website 30% get $, but this is not a normal year and $ is tight all around.

  7. It's quite possible, or maybe they're updating as per name's alphabetical? I'm quite confused

    To those who got acceptance: Congrats! And just curious what's the first letter of your names? Wonder if they alphabetized...

    I am hoping against hope that either A) they are not alphabetized or B) they are in reverse alphabetical order.

  8. Well, Latin I learned in high school (4 years, one of which I did both the Latin IV course and independently studied AP Latin with my teacher after school). I took another semester of it in college, but hated the structure when they forced me to return to intro level Latin ("Cornell07, you can read wonderfully (we're talking Virgil, Catullus, Livy - real Latin), but you can't produce basic declinations. Even my 7 year old daughter can learn to do that." - The Classics Dept. Chair. In particular, that last comment was the final straw in killing my Latin studies)

    For my final two years of college, I took Italian, which was an easy leap from Latin. For a while after graduation, I picked-up a bit of French here and there from interaction with my girlfriend and her father, both of whom speak fairly good French. Again, French, being another romance language made it an easy addition to two other romance languages.

    As for Mandarin, since leaving the Obama campaign, I've had some sporadic contract legal work here and there to do while completing and following-up on grad applications. Hence, I've picked up a copy of Rosetta Stone and have been working my way through it in my spare time. Quite frankly, none of my other languages are marketable enough in the IR community and, given the choice between working in the Middle East and China, I'd take China.

  9. IR people, as you all are aware, it is crucial to have a passing knowledge of at least one foreign language to advance in our careers much less get into grad school. So, here's the quick poll of the moment: which languages do you know? As everyone must know English to attend 99% of the IR schools, please don't check that off if it is your native language.

    As for me, I checked off Italian and A Dead Language (Latin in my case). I also have a passing knowledge of French (slightly better than tourist level) and am in the process of learning Mandarin.

  10. It looks like they would have gone out, what would have been last week. As I assume there are a ton of well qualified people on this board who did apply to SFS at Georgetown, I bet at least someone will get in and, therefore, I doubt that anyone should go into conniptions just because last year's date has come and gone.

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