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Posts posted by Cornell07

  1. Ahhh a Cornellian! Don't you just love Ithaca's weather in the winter??? Sorry I am having some memories flood back in. The never ending grey overcast, snow, and sledding! I know I am a freak, but I just love that type of weather.

    Hey, don't get me wrong, I LOVED Cornell. I was just pointing out what people who could not stand about the weather complained about. :)

  2. Oh, Syracuse. I went to Cornell, just down the road in Ithaca. There were two reasons to drive 45 min to visit Syracuse: the airport and the mall. On the plus side, it is suuuuuuper cheap (especially if you're used to living in a major metropolitan area) and, if you are a college sports person, Syracuse is a huge sports school.

  3. I understand that a lot of you have heard you've been admitted by Georgetown, and now are waiting for funding decision. I applied in late November, and still have not heard back. Is this common? Should I assume I have not gotten in?

    It depends. Did you apply for foreign policy or for public policy? PP has heard back (somewhat) and FP has not.

  4. Tell me about it. Last fall I was applying for a summer internship at the State Dept which I knew would be read by the transition team for whoever ended up winning the presidency. I really wanted to talk about my work on the Obama campaign because it was very relevant to the position, but worried that my political affiliation could hurt me, so I ended up referring to my experience with "a presidential campaign". As it turns out, it wouldn't have been a problem, but I got the job anyway so its all good.

    I wonder if they take a more nuanced look at candidates rather than categorizing them as democrats or repubs. My interests aren't among the traditional liberal issues like development and human rights, so perhaps that's a mitigating circumstance...

    Tell me about it. I am a dem and OFA alum, but I am interested in international relations and conflict resolution, which isn't quite as clear on party lines as certain other issues. I do admit, however, to having somewhat liberal views on the people with whom we should conduct diplomacy, what and when various intervention methods should be used, and so on. Oddly enough, despite my primary interest in these matters, for my policy paper, I wrote about an issue involving trade barriers and agricultural subsidies, because it's what I've been researching and instructing college policy debaters in for the past half a year.

  5. I can verify that though there is an increase in applications, the overage are not of great quality. My sister works in administration in the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at a university I won't name (state school, not top-tier but not a directional-state either). They have seen an increase in applications, but the admissions committes have reported that they can easily tell which ones were "driven" to apply to school because of the economy. They stand out for the lack of preparation and/or relevant experience. Those are quickly discarded.

    So though the overall applications have increased, I don't know that the number of applications that are being seriously considered has increased.

    The thing is, when the university budgets are tightened, an easy way to off-set their shortfalls is to accept more students and not offer as much aid.

  6. Hey Guys,

    I am not applying to the Harvard KSG but I know that many of you are. Don't want to alarm you but I came across this interesting statistic, apparently applications are up 35%. Not sure what to attribute this to, the Obama effect, Harvard reputation or just the economy in general?

    "The Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has seen a 35-percent hike in applications for the Masters in Public Policy program, but is not planning to accept more students, wrote Doug Gavel, associate director of media relations and public affairs, in an e-mail."

    http://media.www.dailypennsylvanian.com ... 9345.shtml

    Eww. Eww. Eww.

  7. Yes, I'll be starting school in the fall, so I can probably collect unemployment for most of the period. However I'll have to look for a job while collecting unemployment, or it stops coming. I can't justifiably take a job for 6 months, I just wouldn't feel right.

    Texas is an at-will work state, but the WARN Act supersedes that in mass layoffs, doesn't it?

    In New York, the law is that you cannot apply for unemployment if you have been accepted to a graduate program. Otherwise, people might just coast from now until August.

  8. So I've gathered that WWS is the most competitive of the programs discussed here, with a 10-15% acceptance or something like that. Kennedy is speculated to be somewhere in the mid to high 20%s, although may be a little lower with rise in apps this year. It seems Georgetown and SAIS are a little less competitive than HKS (just in terms of admit rate), while SIPA is a little less than those two (acceptance rate above 30%). But what about GSPP? I haven't heard much about that program in terms of how difficult it is to get in. I'm posting my stats below so anyone can comment on me specifically or just in general. We can also discuss other programs which i haven't listed of course.

    My stats

    3.75 GPA (Top 10 School, Ivy League, International Relations Major)

    730 V 710 Q

    Several internships with state dept, foreign policy think tanks, Obama campaign

    Solid SOP and LORs

    Where were you with the Obama campaign and in what role? I ran a field office in the Philly suburbs.

  9. It's just the applyyourself online application page. If you sign it, it should say something like "Status CCAS-3 - Application Under Review." Once a decision has been reached (or a week or two after you receive the decision email) it changes to CCAS-4. Then a couple days after that there is a link at the bottom to a standard letter saying that you were actually admitted. Then sometime after that (I'm not there yet), you receive the official letter, which supposedly has funding info.

    You will almost definitely receive an email from the school well before the status is updated, so I wouldn't check it twice a day or anything.

    So, this is not the document tracker?

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