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Everything posted by emelki

  1. I'm reviving this thread. Who else is headed to Salt Lake? How are you planning on finding a place to live? I'm maybe looking for a housemate, so post here!
  2. I ended up doing the same thing. Glad to know I'm not the only one that stresses out too much about that stuff! Good luck to you at Baylor!
  3. emelki

    Tucson, AZ

    Last I heard, it will be completed by the end of 2014, but I wouldn't be surprised if that got pushed back more. It hasn't been the most expedient of construction projects from what I can tell. I think staying south of Glenn and directly north of campus is a pretty good area. I live a little further north than that, and I can ride my bike to the graduate campus (which is just north of Speedway), in a little over 15 minutes, so riding a bike from anywhere south of Glenn should be very do-able. Also, Mountain is a really good road for biking that's well lit at night, and doesn't have too much car traffic during most of the day. If you're planning on living alone, I'd recommend (as a fellow single female) living in an apartment complex as opposed to a house or duplex (but be wary of complexes catered to undergrads. if they offer a roommate matching service, you probably don't want to live there.) I know I feel safer knowing that there will likely be other people around when I get home at night if it's dark. I haven't had any personal experience with crime, but it's not uncommon for bikes to be stolen here, so make sure you buy a good u-lock and don't leave your bike on campus overnight if you can help it. Also, it doesn't hurt for your bike to look a little less shiny and new. Good luck!
  4. Congratulations to everyone making decisions! I'm envious! What is it with DGS's going out of town this week? Isn't it kind of important that they be available during these last few days? It's really coming down to the wire, and not being able to get answers to my questions is not making this any easier! Rant over. I'm ready for this whole process to be over. Longest two months of my life.
  5. How much money are you all planning on taking out in loans? I'm almost positive I want to go to school this year regardless of what kind of funding offers I get, but the amount of money I'd have to take out, even with some scholarship money, is enough to make me feel sick. How are you all handling this part of the admissions process? I'm still waiting in the gray on funding possibilities, but I can't help but think the worst.
  6. SLPAJK, I think there's room for a lot of improvement with minimal effort in your GRE scores. If you can pull up your scores to the mid-high 150's (it seems like a couple of points in your score makes a big difference in percentile), I think you'll be in pretty good shape, considering that you were waitlisted at two schools this year with your current scores. You can elect to take a GRE prep class, but I would recommend just doing a lot of vocab flashcards and a lot of practice exams. I used the Barron book for the new GRE, and I thought it was really helpful, and I also found my scores on the practice exams in that book to be pretty predictive of my actual GRE score. One or two weeks of solid studying can help A LOT. (I think theres another thread about the GRE, also) You can also try to repeat some of the courses you didn't do as well in (if you got any c's in CSD classes), but that can become expensive really quickly. Good luck to you, and don't give up! There's still hope at the last two schools you applied to!
  7. I think the important thing to consider here is that there is a BIG difference between being overwhelmed and drowning, and being overwhelmed and seeking advice/help. At the end of the day, the graduate programs want their students to succeed, and will do what they can to make things manageable for you. I'm pretty sure everyone in an MS-SLP program will be overwhelmed at some point, but it's how we handle it that will make a difference. I don't think you should be worried about whether or not you'll make it through the program. If you have the will to make it through, and the humility to ask for help if you need it, you'll do just fine.
  8. Thank you! I would say there's no reason why you can't call, Amy Collard has been very helpful to me, so maybe you could just send her an email asking what's up? I'm with you on the campus visit. I'm not sure I can commit to going to Utah unless I visit the campus, but time is running short, so I'm not sure it's an option. I had the opportunity to visit Vanderbilt earlier this year, and I was really impressed with everything. The professors were very supportive of their students, the clinics are amazing, and the current students are happy. Vanderbilt has been my first choice because of their voice specialty track, current voice research, and their one-of-a-kind voice clinic. However, I am an alternate for funding there, and I'm not sure I can justify the cost if Utah offers something more. Utah I also chose because of their research in voice, they have one professor in particular I am interested in. I'm getting nervous about making a decision now, because I really think it's going to come down to cost. Neither school promises to know anything about funding before the 15th, and I was counting on finances to help me make a decision! The tuition at each school is about equal, so if I get anything from Vanderbilt I think my choice will be easy, but if I am offered anything from Utah, I may end up in Salt Lake City. Merp. Is anyone else in that same boat here? Funding is so important for me, but I may have to make a decision without that information. Do you think schools may extend their decision deadlines if they can't provide funding information until after that?
  9. In the email I received from them there was just an attached PDF saying that I had been recommended for admission by the department. Presumably it was also mailed to me, but hasn't arrived yet. My applyourself status hasn't changed, though. There was no word on funding yet, and I was told that they had a large number of applicants this year and are a bit behind (as seems to be the case for many schools this year). I'm crossing my fingers for you guys! It doesn't seem like many people have heard from them, so maybe they're accepting in waves. Also, for anyone else on the waitlist at the University of Arizona, I called and found out that there has been NO movement yet on the waitlist for the 3 year program (which is apparently really uncommon for this time in the year). Seems like many schools are really pushing the April 15th deadline this year. I'm thinking happy thoughts for all of you that haven't heard good news yet! There's still time!
  10. water chestnut
  11. cherry tomato
  12. OMG you guys. Went and checked my mailbox when I got home today, and found a skinny envelope. Wasn't a rejection, but I was wait listed! I just want to know I'm going to school in the fall. I guess I'll head over to the wait listers forums to commiserate.
  13. New Guinea
  14. downward climb
  15. Candy Mountain
  16. I sent messages to 5 different professors after my visit, only 2 of them responded. I don't think it's a bad sign, they probably just hesitate to communicate too much with you before a decision is made.
  17. I work at an American university and there's no holiday here for us. Disappointed that I can't check my mailbox when I get home though. Going crazy here! I went to an all expenses paid recruitment event last weekend. They said they'd let us know in mid-march, and I've already lost it! I sent a thank you to the chair of the department, and she replied with this: "So good to hear from you. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed your time here at XXXXXX. We certainly enjoyed having you here! Thank you for your nice note and I look forward to seeing you again." Could it be more cryptic? Just tell me already!
  18. Click here for the youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=o7kzsZreG0o I dreamed last night I sent off my apps to grad school And by some chance, all were said to be complete. And there I sat And I hollered "Someone take me!" But the professors, they all made me wait. But my family all said calm down, calm down, you're gonna get in. Family all said calm down Calm down you're gonna get in. The letter will come by email, Or by snail mail, you'll just have to wait and see, Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down, Calm down you're gonna get in. Lost sanity waiting on these apps to grad school And by some chance found a forum on the net And here I sit, wearily commiserating All us applicants are bound to go mad For the programs all said hold on, We're taking our time with this The programs all said hold on, Hold on, we're making our lists. The letter will come by email, Or by snail mail, you'll just have to wait and see, Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on hold on, we're making our lists. And as I envied the students with their letters (cries) A great big wave of anxiety took hold And as I wait, hoping somewhere says "we'll take you!" That's the moment I freak out, "oh my lord!" And I say to myself, just breathe, just breathe, It's out of your hands! Say to myself calm down, calm down, you're gonna get in And the letter will come by email, Or by snail mail, you'll just have to wait and see, Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down, Calm down, you're gonna get in. Calm down you're gonna, calm down, calm down you're gonna get in. Calm down you're gonna, calm down, calm down you're gonna get in. Calm dooooowwwwwnnn! Calm down, you're gonna get iiiinnnnnnnn!
  19. I had a dream last night that I checked my email and was rejected. I woke up in panic and had to check my email right away. Oh what a cruel mind I have.
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