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Status Updates posted by pears

  1. 'tis the season to submit abstracts - fa la la la la la F-M-L. :/

  2. #whatshouldwecallgradschool is already becoming embarrassingly relevant to my life.

  3. 2 small conferences, & a chance for chute/dirtside seats at a bullriding event on the same weekend.. in 2 totally different parts of the state. gah! decisions..

  4. anyone else excited to take a work break with the true detective finale tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MSW13


      Did you end up seeing it??!!! I really enjoyed it--that's all I'll say for now.

    3. pears


      still not working! grrrawr!

    4. MSW13


      sucks! I watched it on cable and didn't hear about how widespread the streaming glitch was until this morning. I hope you were able to see it after all.

  5. applications for competitive funding are miserable! can i just write "give me monies pls" for 500 words?

    1. csibaldwin


      Yes, this is the only thing about scholarships/fellowships/grants that I dislike - oh and if you do not get the money after all the work on the application, that is disheartening too...

  6. attempting to write a 20-page paper for the first time in a while. oh boy, here we go

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mandarin.orange


      No, seriously - double-space. Whenever I see a # for page count, I automatically assume that's double-spacing, figures, references, everything.

    3. AdilB990


      Best of luck on this daunting task!

    4. pears


      i had no idea that double-spacing wasn't "default," unless explicitly noted in the prompt or formatting guides. shows how much i know..!

  7. awesome vacation! back to reality...

    1. Andean Pat

      Andean Pat

      Glad to have you back!

  8. can't believe my winter break is almost over. time to stretch & flex the old noggin muscles again.

  9. chugging along on the first draft of the first chapter of my thesis. hey, it's something!

  10. dangit! of course the last exam for the class i TA couldn't go smoothly. professor wrote half their questions on the previous exam's content...

  11. epic work planned for summer 2014. woohoo!

    1. mandarin.orange
    2. pears


      hah! pretty much :P more time in the woods, though!

  12. first semester: 4.0! woohoo! i think i'll celebrate with a lazy day full of tea, pup cuddles, and painting my bear skull.

  13. got a TAship (competitively awarded) next fall. tuition waiver, stipend, & teaching - oh my!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MsDarjeeling
    3. novacancy


      Yay pears! Congrats!

    4. pears


      ahh, you guys are the best! thank you all :)

  14. got into my second choice program! now it's time to make some big decisions..

    1. phigirl


      congratulations! here's to hoping I get some decent news sooner rather than later so I can join you on the decision train!

    2. Andean Pat

      Andean Pat

      Greatttt!!!!!!!! CONGRATSSSSS!!!!!! Go out to celebrate!!!

    3. daydreamer254
  15. got my first bit of grad school apparel- gonna be wearing my griz hoodie all week!

    1. Andean Pat

      Andean Pat

      ohhhh yeahhhh!!!!!

  16. grad school problems: when nobody understands your academic "crushes."

  17. here's to hoping adcomms show us all some love today!

    1. Andean Pat

      Andean Pat

      I hope you were raising some beer or wine! ;)

    2. pears


      at 7 in the morning? that's a little aggressive, but if you insist.. haha!

    3. Eager


      I hope all goes well for you all today. Happy Valentine's!

  18. I'm more nervous about the end of semester TA evals than I am to hand in & present on a chapter of my thesis. Brain: wut.

    1. St Andrews Lynx

      St Andrews Lynx

      You speak truth. The TAs are getting biweekly emails letting us know the number of students who have filled in the survey...

    2. pears


      holy moly, that would drive me nuts! mine are done by hand, in class, so it's like ripping off the bandage quickly in that sense. wharghhh.

  19. just got admitted to my dream program! holy smokes! may today hold equally good news for everyone (:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Eager


      You know how happy I am for you! Congrats!

    3. pears


      asldkjfhalskdjhfasdf so much love! you guys rock!

    4. isawnewton
  20. last exam, grading students' last exam, & then i'm done with my first semester of grad school!

  21. looks like I have the data set for my thesis! & it's from my (eventual) top choice PhD program's dept. woo!!

  22. made it to missoula! & i already have piles of reading. derp.

    1. ArtHistoryandMuseum


      Not to distract you from your piles of reading, but I was curious if this was relevant to anything that you are curious about. This YouTube video reflects on the University of Montana Zoological Museum:

    2. pears


      oooh, awesome! i'm a people bones & stuff person, not an animal bones person, but i love learning new stuff just the same. thanks!

  23. may have helped a friend who was denied funding (total bs!) a perfect summer job! c'mooon universe, be nice to us!

  24. my 2nd choice is morphing into my top choice. fairly sure the hammer drops on friday, along with knowing whether sequestration will prevent me from getting a summer job to cover loans.. yikes!

    1. ak48


      the sequester's gonna cut my salary by 20% via furlough. ugh

  25. my reward to myself for choosing a program is my next tattoo: my alma mater's motto! :)

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