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Everything posted by SLPjmar

  1. surviving grad school one day at a time...

  2. Finished my first ever session as a grad clinician today!
  3. Sorry, I meant SoP and not LoR. It's been a busy, mind-numbing week
  4. While you have a lot of impressive experiences (AmeriCorps, choir, etc.), I think it is important to tie all of these experiences together in your LoR. Even though schools do look at these things, why is it important to being a future SLP? Your grades and test scores matter, but so does what you say about it all. Good luck.
  5. Hi you guys!!! I hope you all are surviving the first few weeks of grad school I start clinic on Monday, and I am so excited/nervous. I have two clients (one preschool, one school age) and I even made my first treatment plans this week. I'll be checking in to see how you all are doing. Thinking of you!
  6. Hey guys! I registered for my first grad school course today. Hope you're all doing wonderfully.
  7. I'm not too comfortable bashing any programs. I will say that anything "bad" is pure speculation/opinion/possibly based on an individual's poor experience. I will be attending USF in the fall (woohoo!!) and I have so far been satisfied with the amount of information I've received, as well as the assistance and communication regarding the program. Go for programs that match your interests/career goals and try to stay away from personal "great" or "avoid" schools. Good luck!
  8. If you can connect a position as a CNA to SLP work, then sure! I'm not sure if it's worth it if you won't necessarily be gaining skills you need, or working with a population you'll be interested in as an SLP.
  9. I'm pretty sure most language disorders classes are in children! I know my undergrad course was "Language Disorders in Children".
  10. I know that at USF, we are starting in the clinic during the first semester after a few weeks worth of "boot camp" to get us situated. I am absolutely terrified, but I know that it's the best way for me to learn and become a wonderful SLP. On a side note, is anyone in this thread currently taking neuroanatomy at ENMU (online, of course)?
  11. I also do not believe that a "safety school" exists for SLP. All programs are competitive, receive a high volume of applications, and look for different qualities in applicants. When I was applying, I was rejected from my "safety" school and accepted to my reach schools. Each adcom has a different method, and they all want different things. I think the best thing to do is maintain a high GPA, have reasonable GRE scores, and make sure the program fits your future goals.
  12. I actually may be mistaken- I know katieliz was waitlisted, but I'm unsure if she ever heard back or not.
  13. I know katieliz and a few other posters did. I also visited the program/was going to apply, if you have any questions
  14. Do you have any idea of where you'd like to apply instead? If you do, it's worth checking if those programs will offer classes like that. I know ENMU offers a lot of those classes online.
  15. Eastern New Mexico has both of those classes in online format. I would definitely check into it. Good luck!!
  16. I would call and ask. I'm taking a course at ENMU this summer, and it says that distance education is accredited on EdFind. I'm not sue if it makes a difference, but it's important to ask!
  17. Agreed, this was one of my primary deciding factors when choosing a school. Although both were dream programs, I didn't feel comfortable with having an extra $40,000 (+ living expenses). I know I'll have a great job when I graduate. Just not THAT great.
  18. My personal favorite is "If they aren't paying you to get your degree, you aren't Masters material." Well. Excuse me. I'm sorry speech-pathology isn't funded AT ALL. Doesn't mean I'm not a wonderful candidate.
  19. Awesome! That's really great.
  20. I know it's really disappointing and upsetting, but I don't think NorCal was trying to make you feel bad. Luckily, there are a lot of people on this site who have had experience with being out of field, being rejected, and re-applying. Since NorCal has experienced this and has since been accepted to a grad program, it may be beneficial to see if she can help you strengthen your application. We all want you to succeed! This is your dream, and I think I can safely say that we all support you 100%. My mom has always said to me, "You have one day to feel bad. Then it's time to fix it and move on." I know you can do this. Keep your head up, we are all rooting for you.
  21. It really depends. There is no cut and dry answer to the GRE question. Programs weigh the GRE differently. Several of the schools I applied to had the 50th %ile as the minimum GRE score needed for admission. However, many admitted applicants had much higher scores than that. I have also been told that a combined verbal and quant. score should exceed 300 (at least). I would recommend talking to the program directors of the schools you are applying to, and see how heavily they weigh the GRE (and what scores they require). Good luck!
  22. FINALLY rejected from UVA. It's very funny how this application process works- accepted to my reach schools, rejected from the school I thought I'd more easily get in to! I am happy with the outcome. I am thinking good thoughts for everyone who is still waiting.
  23. Well it really depends. Do you have any questions that AREN'T answered in their online info? Most programs post FAQs or similar items. If you do have different questions, then ask those!
  24. CONGRATS!!! Go celebrate!!!
  25. 156V, 150Q, 4.5AW. I did not volunteer, but I had a related internship.
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