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Everything posted by applicant2013fall

  1. I decided to go to BC this fall. I have never been to boston before. Please update your BC visit! Thanks in advance and enjoy your visit!
  2. I just got accepted into Boston College. I am so excited. Good luck to those stiill waiting!
  3. Anyone invited to USC(university of southern california) Phd campus visit? They said they will invite some shortlist students for an all-day campus visit on March 13, 2013. February is almost over. Has anyone invited?
  4. I had an interview for BC phd program and they were concerned about my GRE scores. I don't know how important it is, but they absolutely look at GRE scores, especially analytical writing.
  5. Is Unich MSW a good choice for Phd in social work? I heard that Umich Msw does not require msw thesis. Is that true?
  6. Is Unich MSW a good choice for Phd in social work? I heard that Umich Msw does not require msw thesis. Is that true?
  7. Anyone who had a interview with BC?
  8. @cat face have you applied any special scholarship program? I have applied global activities scholarship program and haven't heard about it.
  9. I was accepted to the msw degree, but haven't heard about scholarships. I have applied to global scholarship program.
  10. I was rejected for the Phd from Umich, but they offered MSW degree. (I don't have a MSW) I also was offered an Interview from Boston College. I have applied to the combined MSW/Phd degree. It's my first interview and I am so nervous. Have you had any experience in it? Please help me!
  11. I saw the result posted for UMich on the survey today. It said that UMich already sent the acceptance letter for PhD Joint degree in Social work and social science. Have you seen it? I think I am losing hope for UMich PhD.
  12. Congrats! Are you MSW or PhD? I have applied to PhD and haven't heard anything yet.
  13. I was waitlisted at UT austin. They sent me an email yesterday. Anyone know the wait list acceptance rates?
  14. Congrats for your scholarship! The BC posting is not me. There are one acceptace and one interview offer on the board. Hope to hear back from BC soon. Thanks!
  15. Phd applicants, Has anyone heard anything from Boston College? Interview or anything?
  16. @simonettaseeker Congrats! I was rejected from Wustl, too.
  17. Congrats! I hope to hear back soon. Yes, I think I have to consider doing MSW first. Let me ask you one thing. I have 2 years of field experience as a NGO project manager in a global setting. Would it be considered post-msw experience?
  18. Dear hubert.adriana. I am interested in international social work and immigrant issues, so I applied to schools focusing on that. Actually I don't have a MSW degree, but I have a master's degree in social science. That's why I applied to more combined msw/phd programs than PhD. Is it more competetive than phd? I applied to UC Berkeley(combined MSW/PhD)-rejected 02/04 by web status USC(phd) BC(combined MSW/PhD) BU(joint degree in sociology and social work) Michigan(joing degree in social work and anthropology) UNC(MSW/Phd continuum) UT at austin(phd) Washu (phd) Loyola Chicago(phd) Columbia(phd) UT austin noticed me that they will let me know the results by the middle of February. Has anyone heard from UT??
  19. I have applied for the combined MSW/PHD program at UC Berkeley and I just found out that I was rejected. I am really worried about the other schools that I have applied.
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