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    Fleet23 got a reaction from EdYouKateOr in HGSE Fall 2013   
    I really don't think I can attend the Open House--state testing coming up.  I would just feel too guilty missing another day to get my kids ready (they have to pass this test to graduate HS).  Can those of you who go please PM me your thoughts?
  2. Upvote
    Fleet23 got a reaction from ASzofer in Accepted to Peabody - Master's   
    My scholarship info came from Elizabeth Gaughf
  3. Upvote
    Fleet23 reacted to larinakin in HGSE Fall 2013   
    Hi all!
    I've been stalking this forum for eons and finally made an account. I'll be joining you all at HGSE in the fall (Learning and Teaching!) but wanted to offer my insights regarding housing in Boston/Cambridge. I moved here 2 years ago, and have lived in Cambridge/Somerville and now currently reside in Allston (directly across the river from the main Harvard campus, and home to the business school, etc). I really do suggest looking for an apartment instead of housing...housing in Somerville and Allston can be very affordable! I pay under $700/month with 2 roommates, and live around 20-30 min away from Harvard via bus. 
    If you're looking to move in in August, a lot of the postings on Craigslist go up in May and June. A lot of people here are students, too, and tend to post pseudo last minute since they (like us) don't know their plans for the upcoming year. Most leases run from Sept to Sept, so you might need a sublet for a month or hope that someone moves out early.
    Feel free to message me about searching for housing!
    PS - My Allston apt does not have roaches . 
  4. Upvote
    Fleet23 reacted to RandiZ in Regrets?   
    Regrets. I have a few. But then again, too few to mention.
  5. Upvote
    Fleet23 reacted to Seeking in Not sure what to do - advice please   
    If you have a strong application profile and do a related job or project this year, then there is a fair chance that you'll get in the next season to some other school. In this case, you can take the risk of taking a year off.
    On the other hand, see the profiles of the faculty at the new program - especially your POI's. If they have good contacts and have good number of publications, they may be able to help you with job prospects after PhD - especially because it's a new program and they have to build a good reputation of it.
    But if you can't afford the second school and feel that your profile is not strong enough, then go to the first school.
  6. Upvote
    Fleet23 reacted to lothloriensage in Teachers College   
    Thanks all! Also, my next step is still the same. It's the app submission website that I was guided to. So if any of you are wondering where to check, it's there.
  7. Upvote
    Fleet23 reacted to roygbiv9460 in HGSE Fall 2013   
    It's okay, I spelled "principal" wrong (spelled it "principle") in a paragraph talking about WHY I WANT TO BE A PRINCIPAL in my statement.  Ultimate facepalm.  Luckily I had only sent it to UT Austin and was able to submit an updated version...aka I didn't make the dumbest spelling error of my life.  They still let me in, so it was fine.  I just can't believe that of all the people that read it multiple times no one caught it.  
  8. Upvote
    Fleet23 reacted to rae303 in Reversing a rejection with an email? Sending email while waiting?   
    I think it depends on whether you have been formally rejected or if you are waitlisted.  You mention waiting in your title.  If you have already been formally rejected, no, begging will not change anything.  Asking for tips on where you can improve for the next application season is not frowned upon, though, and can lead to some great insight for next time. 
    HOWEVER, if you are waitlisted, that is something else entirely.  You can absolutely sway a decision (in either direction) based on communication while you are waitlisted.  Supplying additional materials along with a well-worded, polite cover letter can launch you to the top of the waitlist or even make them reconsider acceptance.  When I was applying I was waitlisted at my first choice and one of my recommenders told me to treat it as if they were saying, "We like you, but we're not convinced.  Convince us."  I attended the visiting weekend, met with as many professors as I could, submitted another writing sample, along with a brief cover letter restating my desire to attend.  They responded by attempting to find additional funding for me, and eventual offered me admission along with full funding.  So it is definitely possible to sway a decision, as long as the decision has not actually been made yet.
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