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dr. t

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Everything posted by dr. t

  1. That seems to be the purpose of the CHE at this point, to highlight how those in charge of the academy have lost all grasp on reality.
  2. This is a quote about writer's block by Neil Gaiman, but I think it's apropos. In other words, 1) it's likely that the people who you see as amazing feel exactly like you do and read your work like you're reading theirs, and 2) the only way to get through it is to get through it. If it helps, your reaction is an incredibly common first-semester grad student reaction. Just keep swimming.
  3. Actually, if anything I've observed the opposite effect - top universities take more candidates from low-ranked institutions. I think you have a little confirmation bias going on.
  4. Seriously. Graduate students should learn their departments' politics to avoid landmines, not to purposefully trip as many as they can find.
  5. I am 1) confused about the resurrection of a 2 year old thread for no clear reason and 2) unsure what bearing the quality or difficulty of online classwork has on the quality of a PhD. Did some UPhoenix PR person stumble onto this thread or something?
  6. Thanks! No, I got your point. I agree with it. Thanks to R_S, I also have the information on the tangential question I asked.
  7. I'm still not willing to concede the point without evidence.
  8. Well BU is kind of the opposite of a SLC, and last I checked their tuition is around $65k a year, so those two things don't seem to be related (see this). Also, which SLCs don't use adjunct labor?
  9. Wait, you see adjunct labor as the disease at the heart of the neoliberal academy rather than another symptom? That doesn't make much sense. ...crap, I just got dragged in, too, didn't I?
  10. Are you fulfilling your handbook's requirements for "satisfactory progress towards degree"? Are you in violation of any cap on the number of courses you can take outside the department?
  11. Do you have a rabbi in the department you can talk to? Someone you trust and who would know whether or not this professor was legit? I am likewise skeptical of the "CHOOSE NOW", but it's not asking to much to have someone commit to a long-term project, and the situation you describe could well be the latter.
  12. Talk to the good Frau Doktor, it's possible she can arrange something. I would have a person vetted to create and administer it before talking to her, of course.
  13. Oh, excellent! Send it!
  14. Why not take the language exam at HDS?
  15. I just sent in for Kzoo. FYI: http://wkzo.com/news/articles/2015/aug/27/police-agencies-seek-highway-sniper/
  16. Was the duration and level of your funding guaranteed by contract? Because it should have been. I don't feel like I'm qualified to answer 1 or 2, but for 3, you need to be pretty blunt - "You guaranteed funding, and I can't do this without it." This is not rocket surgery.
  17. "Pay them because the worst American tradition is taking things that aren't yours and calling it destiny or virtue or principle." That was amazing, thank you for sharing.
  18. No. Why would you enter a program that doesn't respect you enough to support you in your work?
  19. Your adviser in theory knows you pretty well on paper - they had to read your application. Plus, you getting grants makes them look good. Ask away.
  20. Why would you put your email in a signature? Are you sending to a lot of listservs where your address would not be on the email? My signature is: Name (Hyperlinked to my Academia.edu page, which has all my contact details) PhD Student, History Dept, University Managing editor, Project (hyperlinked to project)
  21. I was thinking of adopting a master's student as a pet in January - I'll let you know how it goes
  22. Bike hipsters and hardcore Lance Armstrong wannabies are the worst. I prefer unironic enthusiasm - all bikes are the best bikes!
  23. Guys I have two classes with mvlchicago on Thursday this is such an odd feeling.
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