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Everything posted by sweetsolemnity

  1. Intellectual_Learnings, I was also accepted to Steinhardt, and was first notified by the head of my department directly via email. I received an email from Steinhardt about 2 days later with the official acceptance. Where are you going instead?
  2. Wjdavis, I would love to ask you some questions about TC, but since they are pretty specific to me, is it okay if I PM you? Thanks!
  3. psych111, I received mine on Saturday. I'm based in NYC and mail from Boston usually takes two days to get to me. There was no financial aid information in the packet, but it did say that we should expect to hear about aid "during the last week of March".
  4. I second SoCalGuy when it comes to TC. The people who have graduated from there were not able to get the 1-on-1 attention that they desired, and that they were not able to gain the experience with their cohort. I wasn't sure if it was because I was already in NYC, but diploma mill is heard very often. However, determined/dedicated students do very, very well there. You will have access to so many resources and will be at the center of the education/teaching reform happening in NYC, which is exciting for teachers and analysts a like! I always thought that given the choice, I would go to Teachers College, but my interests have changed and it's a very good match for me, but I'm not sure if it's the best. When I was in college years ago, I did NIMH-funded research in the Child Psych department at another school at Columbia and a lot of the people running the study were TC-affiliated. They were some of the best people I had ever met, and you could tell they were making the best of their experience! TC is obviously a very good school, but at every good school, you need to take some initiative to make it work for you. I went to a liberal arts college in MA in the past, and I am not a fan of Boston at all, but I do love the history. So many people have so many great things to say about the institution (HGSE), and, well, the program seems to match my interests a little bit more...but haven't made the final decision yet.
  5. SoCalGuy - I am actually currently making that decision. I think I am leaning more toward HGSE because of how child-centered and policy-oriented it is. My previous experience with TC was when I was teaching in the NYCDOE, and I wasn't a big fan of the school's methods. If it is your goal to work in New York City, Columbia is a really good investment. I have had friends who have graduated from TC and they were not very happy with their experience. I am seriously considering both, though. Where are you leaning and why?
  6. I don't think it's necessarily experience as a teacher, but probably just in the field. How did you decide on Sociology and Education? I was deciding whether I wanted to do that program or education policy, and policy won for me.
  7. Penn GSE and NYU Steinhardt for me.
  8. I believe that a lot of their programs are rolling, so it just depends on when your application went in. It seems that a bunch of us heard back on Tuesday night, though! On an unrelated note -- have you heard from Penn? I applied there, too, and have been waiting for a while.
  9. That makes sense! I actually got a "Check Application Status" e-mail when I learned about them missing my transcript. Guess I just made my wait longer . I also noticed we applied to four of the same schools (no AU for me), so just wanted to say good luck to you as you await the other decisions.
  10. I applied to another MA program at Steinhardt, and after submitting my application in December, they contacted me last week to say that they never received one of my transcripts and that I should send it in the mail ASAP. Other than that, nope, haven't heard anything. Everything seems a little disorganized.
  11. Congrats to all of you guys! I'm still waiting, but should be hearing some time this week. Time goes by so slowly, haha!
  12. I believe it was to all of them, although I'm not entirely sure. There is more info here: http://penngseadmissions.blogspot.com/2014/01/this-weeks-reader-q-january-19-january.html Good luck!
  13. I submitted in December (12/26) and haven't even received an e-mail saying my documents have been received! I have been checking the website neurotically -- too bad that doesn't make the process any smoother!
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