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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    New York City
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    English PhD

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  1. Does anyone know anything about Cambridge Square apartments or Oxford Hill? I'm perusing the Craigslist and they seem like a good deal, but I'm all the way in NYC and can't see them for myself. Was wondering if anyone on the ground knew one way or the other.
  2. My waitlist at UVA converted! I'm so psyched! For what it's worth, girl who wears glasses (and others) I hear that visiting the program can make a difference, as well as letting them know you would attend if accepted. I remember there was some controversy about telling programs you would definitely attend earlier, but I think this late in the game we have a better sense of our options and know if we would or would not attend.
  3. I got my rejection on Friday (followed by a letter in the mail this weekend). Perhaps still waiting is a good thing? From what I can tell from other posters, they're very cagey about letting people know they're waitlisted...
  4. Congrats on getting closer to a final decision, Socatoa! If I can ask, what's your specialty?
  5. Really? I didn't see that. It looks like somebody was asking if they were from the waitlist, but i didn't see a response.
  6. Wondering what's up with UVA. I got what seemed like a very encouraging waitlist email from them in Mid-February. They said I was towards the top of their waitlist and they hoped to have good news for me soon and made me feel like a pretty pretty princess. Now I see they've accepted four more people this week, seemingly not from the waitlist, which makes me wonder why they were waitlisting people if they still had spots open, and makes me feel like I was somewhat naive to be optimistic, and like I'm writing a run-on sentence. Seriously, though, any thoughts on what it might mean for the waitlist if they're still accepting people now? I don't think it can be good news.
  7. Yay Smellybug! Congrats! (or Con-grads, har har har) (Very long week).
  8. Le sigh. I'm still waiting to hear from one, but I've given up on it. So now it's just checking my inbox and the boards every day for my waitlist.
  9. Curious if anyone has had any movement on their waitlists yet? I'm not expecting anything major until after the Open Houses, but wondering if any of these lists are moving yet?
  10. Is anybody else attending an open house at a school where they were wait listed? I'm nervous because I feel like I'll have to really sell myself to the program while trying to take in if the school really is a good fit or not. Anyone else feeling nervous about this?
  11. I've been waitlisted at UVA. Accepted at Temple, but they haven't made a funding decisions yet, and waiting to hear from one more school (rejected or implicitly rejected everywhere else). It feels like the limbo is just going to extend into March and April. Sigh. Here's hoping the UVA waitlist pays off or Temple comes through with funding! please oh pretty please!
  12. Hi All, I've been lurking here but just now had something to post about. I just found out I got wait listed at a top choice school for me. I'm thrilled because I assumed I'd been rejected and the language is very encouraging (the words "high on our wait list" were used). The email ends inviting me to ask questions about the program and to be in touch. What questions are appropriate in this situation? Do I proceed as if I had an offer of admission in terms of asking questions about the program (though obviously I don't have an offer of admission)? How do I show interest and how often is it appropriate to check back my wait list status? Thanks!
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