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    ethnic studies, critical gender studies, education, asian american studies, and more!
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    PhD Education

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  1. enjoying summer but now trying to do more summer studying. wish me luck!

  2. i actually finished my MA iduring the first semester of my PhD program. i had no choice because my admission was contingent on me completing my MA degree. they allowed me to start my phd coursework even though i didn't finish, but i had to finish by the end of the first semester. knowing this, i took a lot of time at the end of summer/beginning of the semester and finished by the beginning of october . it was "easier" that i only took 2 graduate seminars and then a language class. i also worked hard on it during the beginning of the semester because my coursework load was lighter and i knew it would alll just pile up. the phrase "a good thesis is a done thesis" is one that helped me a lot with as well. my MA committee knew my situation and worked with me to get everything done as quickly as possible. i got through it by chipping away at it. since i had no choice in doing it, it definitely lit a fire under my ass. i definitely approached it knowing i was not a machine and had to balance my time more. i would also recommend to anyone, knowing what i know now, to do you best to work on it during the summer just because it IS difficult to do it during PhD time, but that if you had to then be disciplined (but not necessarily a machine). whatever you decide, good luck!
  3. You should check if your school has Disability Student Services. Some of them only require documentation from your doctor in order to get enrolled, and from there they may be able to provide services that you may need due to complications of your illness/health. I know that at my school diagnosed depression and other psychological diagnoses counts under such services. Also doing other things in conjunction with medication that promote wellness: exercise, eating right, sleeping enough. finding hobbies outside of school work (yes it is necessary), going to therapy, finding supportive folks regarding mental health and finding supportive folks regarding school, finding community regarding hobbies, and the ultimate of finding supportive folks that fall into multiple categories. Good Luck!
  4. this is hella helpful. thanks for the responses! i'm not sure about opportunities for research over the summer at my school but an internship sounds cool. guess i gotta start looking and inquiring!! thanks!
  5. hi everyone, i'm a first year phd student and i was wondering what folks do in the summer? i won't have funding and if it's anything like when i was an MA student, jobs are so competitive in the summer (hence the post now, in december!!). when i was an MA student, my summer jobs (camp instructor) had applications due in february!!
  6. i'm not sure, i think she worked. but i agree... that would hurt.
  7. hi all, kinda like lmac.... i got word from the last school i applied to and i got in. waiting on funding information which seems like a big challenge. but note: i got rejected from the first 7 schools that i applied to. i recently talked to a co-worker who told me that his wife applied to phd programs for 3 rounds until she got in. if you want it keep going for it. it only takes one.
  8. reatha and phigirl: good luck to you both! it DOES only take one... but i decided that i do want to reapply next year if this year doesn't work out. darlingnikki and msw13: good advice about calling schools to see what went wrong. i feel like i'm re-energizing for all of this now! thanks!!
  9. I have applied to 8 programs and have been rejected by 7 of them. This last school had the latest deadline (February!) and I just want to know now so I can celebrate or get on with my life. I've had a really good talk with a good friend (who has his PhD) and I will strongly consider applying next year. All these rejections have put some doubt in my mind not of if I want to do it or if I am capable of doing it, but of whether I want to put my energies into re-strategizing and trying this again. A part of me says if I don't get in then bring it on for next cycle. But a part of me is still holding out on hope. I don't know if I'm being foolish but as a couple of folks have told me, "all it takes is one."
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