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Everything posted by FestivusMiracle

  1. I agree with pretty much all the comments posted. It depends on the context. Just use good judgment, and you'll be fine.
  2. I fail to see how the stereotype that women tend to prefer wine is unfavorable. It's no different than the stereotype that men prefer beer over wine, usually. Obviously there are exceptions, and maybe the stereotypes aren't even that accurate, as you suggest (I think there is some truth to them, though). Regardless, there is nothing inherently negative about either stereotype, and the fact that you look down on people who barely hint at these stereotypes is pathetic IMO, and that's why I used harsh language to denounce your post. I'm not a fan of all the PC bullshit, if you couldn't tell.
  3. Allow me to point out the striking irony of your post. You claim that I'm making 'assumptions' about MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, and then you proceed to make the opposing assumption about...MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. You also completely misread my post, twisted the meaning, and failed to account for the context of the other posts in this thread by OverworkedTA. I didn't say that no girls like beer. All I said was that most girls THAT I KNOW prefer wine to beer. I know several girls who prefer beer over wine, but they aren't nearly as obsessed with beer as OverworkedTA seems to be. Although I mistakenly thought you disliked my post because of the use of chick, it turns out your reasoning was just as dumb. I think I can still make the point that maybe you should stop trying to find something offensive about everything.
  4. I agree with you for the most part, especially the part about it depending on the family. The vibe I'm getting from most of these posts, though, is that the announcements will mostly be sent to people with whom you do not have a close relationship with, such as a distant cousin you never see. To me, the implication here is that they will only send you money because they would feel guilty if they didn't since they are related to you. I think this could lead to resentment from certain people. Definitely not all, but some. When I graduated high school, I was amazed that many people I didn't even know nor send an announcement still gave me money (these people were friends of my parents, went to the same church, etc.). So some people are just very generous and will be happy to give you money. If you are sending out annoucements that you are graduating college and not inviting them to a party (inviting them to graduation doesn't count), then you aren't really being subtle about it. IMO you're demanding money. Ultimately I think my problem with college grad announcements is that they imply a sort of better me than you attitude. Why does anyone owe you money for graduating college? If you need money that bad, I think asking close friends/family directly while explaining your situation is a much more tactful way to handle the situation. I definitely understand that most people have a different opinion than me on this, so take my thoughts for what they're worth.
  5. I used 'chick' just to see if anyone would downvote it. You took the bait. Congratulations! It really amazes me that people find that word offensive. It's essentially the same as 'dude' (both are basically meaningless IMO). But I digress...
  6. I make a point not to fish for money by doing things like this. Sure you may get money, but when it is blatantly obvious that you just want money, people probably will resent you for it. IMO, it's not worth the loss of self-respect, unless you are just completely last dollar broke. Even then, I'd still try to avoid this.
  7. Oops, I forgot that the beer I had was Buffalo Sweat. I think it is an oatmeal cream stout, though. I'm assuming you're a girl, and, if so, you've got to be the biggest chick beer lover I've ever come into contact with ha ha good for you. Most girls I know seem to only drink wine. I like them both, but beer was my first love ha
  8. Have you guys had the Tallgrass oatmeal cream stout? I had it over the weekend and It was incredible!
  9. Do you want to teach? If not, then I'm not sure a doctorate would be worth it, unless you got it from a very prestigious institution.
  10. I've never heard of honey brown...but if you think it's good, then it's good beer! Who cares what anyone else thinks.
  11. Well most of the beer I get is around 7-8 bucks for a six pack, and I usually only drink one or two at a time since it is quality beer, so it isn't too expensive. I hate sweet beer (as in beer with a lot of sugar, e.g. Woodchuck cider, although I don't really consider it beer), so I can't recommend anything there. I'm not sure how familiar you are with good beer, but if you like coffee then the Sam Adams Cream Stout is definitely worth a try. A lot of people I know write off beer because all they ever try is Bud Light or Coors. Don't write it off until you've tried some higher quality stuff and a few different styles, though, because there is a world of difference between cheap beer and beer that costs a few bucks more per six pack.
  12. This thread clearly will suffer from selection bias. All the people who were stabbed to death while traveling alone aren't here to post. Just something to consider. Have fun!
  13. Let me know wjat you think, Rising Star. And OverworkedTA, let me know if you find any stouts that you think are better than the Sam Adams.
  14. Tried it tonight. It is a REALLY, REALLY GOOD stout. Perfect balance between all the flavors. I'm tempted to drink several more tonight, but I'll have to stop because I've got class tomorrow. Looking forward to drinking more of these in the future.
  15. Well in that case, I'm glad I bought it. The last Sam Adams I tried was Noble Pils. It was obviously a quality beer, just not really my style. I'll let you know what I think of the Cream Stout after I try it.
  16. I was about to buy Guinness when I saw a six pack of Sam Adams Cream Stout. Haven't had this yet, but I have very high expectations for it. It's chilling in my fridge right now, can't wait to try it!
  17. Well now I'm gonna have to pick up a 4-pack of cans the next time I go to the store. It's been too long since I've had Guinness. Funny how a thread about PBR led to this...
  18. I don't want to sound mean, but based on the above post you strike me as the kind of girl at the party who is truly having a miserable time, and who just sits there texting and being no fun. Every once in a while you get all your friends together to take a really fake picture that you can post on facebook to convice your facebook friends that you have such an awesome social life. Am i way off base here?
  19. I wouldn't take what people say at face value, especially when they are breaking up with you or signaling that they just aren't that interested in you. I mean, if somebody is into you, they'll find a way to make it work. With that said, maybe you two just weren't compatible, and that'll happen, more often than not. BUT, maybe that wasn't the case and YOU scared the dude away. I'm not saying you did, but it's definitely a possibility. Maybe it's something minor but easily correctable, like talking too much about your ex or being overly negative. Who knows...all I'm saying is that maybe you need to evaluate yourself and the things you do that may be scaring people away, instead of blaming it on not meeting enough dudes. The fact that you clearly go on a shit ton of dates and yet fail to ever make a connection makes me think you are either way too picky or you are doing something that is scaring dudes away.
  20. Wait...can you repeat those last two sentences for me? I don't want to get all Dr. Phil on you, but...beyond your control?
  21. Georgia State has pretty nice dorms. Are dorms a possibility or no? I'd do whatever I could to avoid Atlanta traffic. As I'm sure you're aware by now, it sucks. Another option is to find an apartment with access to the MARTA train. That way you could find something way away from downtown but still avoid the traffic.
  22. It seems like every time you make a post you are going on another date...is it just me, or is your problem not so much the 'meeting guys' part, but the 'keeping guys and having a long term relationship' part? If I went on as many dates as you I'd have been married 2 or 3 times by now.
  23. OK, so I drank two PBRs (with lime added) while replying to several of your posts. My final conclusion on PBR is that it is: A shitty beer. However, the addition of lime makes it more than tolerable, and at about 50 cents per can at Wal-Mart, it is a great beer to take to a party if you want to get very drunk on beer. As someone who started out drinking cheap beer in large quantities, I could easily put down 8 or 9 PBRs in a night if I were so inclined. In fact, I did this last weekend, before starting this thread. With that said, if I'm gonna drink an adjunct lager or something like it, I strongly prefer Dos Equis, especially if it's on draft. It's about twice the price of PBR, but I think ultimately it is probably worth it, especially if you are not planning on drinking many beers (which normally I don't; last weekend was an exception to the rule). Thanks for all the replies, and feel free to keep them coming. This has been a fun thread.
  24. I've never heard of any of these beers. You are officially a beer snob haha
  25. I tried Tecate a while back. I really wanted to like it because Anthony Bourdain seems to think it's good, but honestly I thought it kinda sucked. Maybe I'll give it another go sometime soon.
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