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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall

sunshine0729's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Congrats Mr. Potts! thank you for sharing. Anyone else heard from their CTL program, such as CSTD and SLE? Thank you!
  2. Hello Jennmaea- I applied to a different program developmental psychology and education DPE program. Nothing yet. I think we both belong to the same department APHD, but different focuses.I wonder if they have already mailed out official letters indicating acceptance or rejection, or if they have any kind of unofficial contact with potential phd candidates. WAITING IT OUT!!! Anyone got any news? Thank you for sharing!!
  3. Thank you hcoach! I am still anxiously waiting for the result from OISE phd program. hopefully will get it within this week...arrrrrgh, the waiting game is driving me crazy. UT seems to be late this year, isn't it? I'm not sure...
  4. Anyone got admitted into their DPE program? I saw a post in the results search that one person got in, is it via email or phone or mail post? It's really making me anxious...Thank you!!
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