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  1. Ha, you sound exactly like me! Also registered as general IR, more interested in Law and Organizations. I guess we'll be in a lot of the same classes
  2. Don't look back! Fletcher is a great school and I think a lot of these schools are similar! As for the Ivy League thing, who cares.
  3. Honestly the decision isn't obvious to me at all, though I didn't apply to either school. Maybe one program has something that really attracts you more than the other. Maybe you REALLY want to work in DC, then it would be obvious. Either way I think you have great options and you can't really go wrong - good luck!
  4. Revolution, have you decided?
  5. Turning down SIPA now to accept a place at SAIS! hope my spot goes to someone else asap and good luck!
  6. I was told that it is possible to have more than one concentration, but it's good to plan ahead to make sure that you get all the requirements.
  7. And is anyone else not 100% sure about their decision? I'm pretty sure I'm going to SAIS but I wish I had more time!
  8. When I have time/energy (been a week of traveling!) I'll post more detail. I'm still not 100% sold on SAIS yet, but I thought their open house was very good. I feel a lot of things are personal: for me, the Bologna part is a big draw since I'm interested in European studies and have family there.But I can see why it's not appealing to many people. I didn't see any particular weakness. From people I've talked to, I think career services will help you if you make the effort, but they're not going to hold your hand either or can perform any miracles. I think that's the case with all these programs.
  9. If you don't mind my asking, how difficult is it to get that kind of GPA? Obviously that's dependent on class selection and personal aptitude, but I'm just wondering what the average grades are at JH.
  10. That's so weird!
  11. Thanks, that's all very helpful. Would you mind pm-ing me this alum's email? (Or asking if he doesn't mind talking to other admits)
  12. Very true, always good to hear about the cons. I think I got caught up in this forum's weird bubble that loves SAIS and kind of looks down on SIPA, haha! I don't love the cost of Bologna, but it's expensive in DC. I'm sure it will be easy to make connections in Bologna, which intrigues me. Plenty of time to "hustle" in DC the second year
  13. For people who had specific questions about SAIS, how did you go about contacting them? I would imagine the admissions office is swamped right now. Will we be able to talk to people individually at the open houses? how do you contact individual students (I feel like this would be most helpful). some of this has been discussed before, but here goes: 1. Is there space for more humanitarian interested type students, or is SAIS generally geared towards the econ crowd? 2. how does SAIS compare to Fletcher in terms of career services and advice? 3. Is career services and the alumni network helpful? 4. Do the Bologna students feel isolated and have a hard time getting internships in the summer before D.C.? Thanks!
  14. Yikes. has anyone else gotten the sense that SAIS Bologna isnt helpful with career services?!
  15. Thanks! It does sound doable. I definitely want to take econ (and see its value - obviously), but I guess I'm a bit weary of a school that is known as the "quant-heavy school." Just want to make sure that there's room for other disciplines!
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