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  1. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from Page228 in the real poison in academic philosophy   
    That's an odd use of the word "sexism" and "racism". Is it possible to say, "X is racist", and have X be something that isn't based upon a power structure and still makes sense? Of course it is. If X were, say, a black man calling a white man a "cracker" or "honky" for some reason or another, we would say that he was being racist. The first thing to come to our minds wouldn't be, "That is non-existent reverse racism". That's just pointless philosophizing after-the-fact. The situation I described is just as racist as a white man calling a black man a nigger, and plain sense tells us that. What that indicates, to me anyways, is that power structures are not essential to the meaning of the word "racism". However, in all usages of the word racism that I can think of, discrimination or prejudice are implied.

    Can we do the same thing for sexism? Let's say that a woman sees a single father trying to calm his crying infant daughter and remarks that only a woman is capable of properly raising a little girl. We would probably say that's a sexist remark. We certainly wouldn't say, "Don't be such a reverse-sexist!". After all, how could we since such things don't exist? 

    Furthermore, what does inventing the term "reverse-racism/sexism" do exactly if it can't even exist? It seems about as useful as discussing unicorns. It seems to me that these are, at best, misuses of the words.
  2. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from MattDest in The Philosopher's Prayer   
    How could you lie to me MattDest? I don't know what to believe anymore.
  3. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to Establishment in The Philosopher's Prayer   
    You are literally Hitler.
  4. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to Establishment in The Philosopher's Prayer   
    Saul of Tarsus was blinded for three days by the light of the divine, I imagine we must give Leiter some time to recover from something even grander than that which Saul saw.
  5. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from Guillaume in PGR rankings   
    I sort of share your sentiment, but for different reasons. The faculty at my uni who have met the man have all pretty much said he's a rather pugnacious self-important dick. Plus I've been told that he and Pippin don't get along so well, which would have been bad news for my dissertation work. 
  6. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to Monadology in Dear 2015 applicants, here is what we have learned from the 2014 season   
    Here's a few resources, though they're not necessarily up to date or ranked.
  7. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to dgswaim in PGR rankings   
    Lawrence Krauss and Stephen Hawking declared the uselessness of philosophy altogether. Can we unite and attack those guys?
  8. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to Establishment in The Philosopher's Prayer   
    Our philosopher who art in Chicago,
    hallowed be thy name.
    Thy postings come,
    thy blog be read,
    in all programs as it is in top-10 one's.
    Give us this day your daily post,
    and forgive us our trepidations,
    as we forgive those who trepidate against you,
    and lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from Zizek.
    For thine is the blog,
    and the rankings, and our thanks,
    for ever and ever.
  9. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from RookIV in PGR rankings   
    I sort of share your sentiment, but for different reasons. The faculty at my uni who have met the man have all pretty much said he's a rather pugnacious self-important dick. Plus I've been told that he and Pippin don't get along so well, which would have been bad news for my dissertation work. 
  10. Downvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from Establishment in PGR rankings   
    I sort of share your sentiment, but for different reasons. The faculty at my uni who have met the man have all pretty much said he's a rather pugnacious self-important dick. Plus I've been told that he and Pippin don't get along so well, which would have been bad news for my dissertation work. 
  11. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to PhD applicant in I remember dfindley   
    I just was thinking. We should make badges or buttons that say 'I remember dfindley' and wear them to conferences so we can recognize each other and say 'hey, sup?'.
    Update: Have someone who will make iron-on patches for us for free. Considering also suggestion of 'my metaphysics are awesome'.
  12. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to Billy Goehring in Acceptance Thread   
    I'm not going to make the expected critique of the PGR rankings (i.e. the usual tirade from a "SPEP School" student), but now that I've talked to people who know Leiter, who have been involved in the ranking, and who come from both Leiter-ranked schools and otherwise, I feel that I should reiterate what I've been told a thousand times: PGR is the most reputable comprehensive ranking of graduate programs only because it was the first comprehensive ranking of graduate programs. The closer you look at the list (as several of you have done), you discover that plenty of "lower ranked" schools have stellar placement rates (and that "higher ranked" schools hardly guarantee placement).
    But shouldn't a higher ranking indicate a better chance on the job market? You might also notice that faculty at lower ranked or non-ranked schools publish no less often (and in no less reputable journals) than faculty at higher ranked schools. I'm certainly not suggesting that all programs are equal, but one would do well to do his or her own research. Insert all that business about fit and research interests here, but also try and track down the dept's placement record. If a dept is placing its graduates consistently and the faculty is crazy about the same things you're crazy about, it matters little whether it's a "Top 20" or a "Top 50" school.
    BTW, from the rumor mill, Leiter has been a little shady when it comes to moving schools up in the ranking. I've heard stories of departments asking him to reconsider their programs; he responds by inviting the department to invite him as a speaker, "so that he can get a better look at the department" (naturally, with the usual speaking fee). This is usually enough for a school to rise 5-10 places on the list. But that's only hearsay; I'm not entirely convinced, myself. But it might be enough to remind that the PGR isn't some federally run, impartial study on the quality of philosophy graduate programs and the success rates of their students--it's the pet project of one professor and his friends.
  13. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from DHumeDominates in Rejection thread   
    Same here lol. Such a waste of time.
    Of course not! How would the university get money if they didn't suck desperate philosophy students dry?

     "but our admissions committee found your file strong enough to recommend you for admission to the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities."

    I'm sure they did.
  14. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to dgswaim in Acceptance Thread   
    Do you think a flattering love letter to Rice might help my chances? Before discovering philosophy, I aspired to be a poet. Maybe I can woo them into an acceptance. It worked on my wife...
    Maybe something like:
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Funding is awesome
    And so is funding
  15. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from philstudent1991 in Acceptance Thread   
    It's not funded as far as I'm aware and it's not just philosophy. Beyond that, everything I've heard about it has been bad news (mostly that it's a university cash cow).

    EDIT: The followup email pretty much confirms it. No mention of funding whatsoever. 9 months to get an MA? No thanks.
  16. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from Cottagecheeseman in Waitlist Thread   
    Thanks dude! You too! UVA would be awesome.
  17. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from GrammaticalFiction in Acceptance Thread   
    It's not funded as far as I'm aware and it's not just philosophy. Beyond that, everything I've heard about it has been bad news (mostly that it's a university cash cow).

    EDIT: The followup email pretty much confirms it. No mention of funding whatsoever. 9 months to get an MA? No thanks.
  18. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from GrammaticalFiction in Acceptance Thread   
    Not sure whether to put this in the rejection or acceptance thread lol. I was rejected officially by U Chicago a few moments ago, but offered admission to the MAPH program. I expect I'll deny it, given that it's just a money pit and probably a waste of my time. I'm a bit unimpressed by the concept as a whole, but maybe someone else will want my place.
  19. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to AcademicX in Rejection thread   
    does anyone NOT get in the MAPH?
  20. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to Weltgeist in Rejection thread   
    so the Chicago rejections and MAPH acceptances are rolling out. I just got one; nein danke.
  21. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from AcademicX in Rejection thread   
    Same here lol. Such a waste of time.
    Of course not! How would the university get money if they didn't suck desperate philosophy students dry?

     "but our admissions committee found your file strong enough to recommend you for admission to the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities."

    I'm sure they did.
  22. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler reacted to PhD applicant in Acceptance Thread   
    not much hope left now
    desperation for emails
    poverty awaits
  23. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from frege-bombs in Favorite philosopher/philosophers?   

    EDIT: In all seriousness though, the fact that you didn't even read Nietzsche or Heidegger (and I assume others from the list) during your undergraduate career is a crying shame. I read Wittgenstein and Mill and Moore and others from that list, and I'm glad I did, even though I don't particularly like Moore. It does bother me a bit that there are places where a broad education at the undergraduate level isn't emphasized. 
  24. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from curtsyingking in Dear 2015 applicants, here is what we have learned from the 2014 season   
    I realized that there's no such thing as a safety school. Also, definitely apply to several MA programs, because even if you have a strong application as a BA student, it won't look as strong on paper as those with MA's (generally, but I wouldn't say this is a rule). 
  25. Upvote
    bar_scene_gambler got a reaction from Dialectica in Rejection thread   
    I'm sorry to hear that. Honestly, I feel like things are totally up in the air. It's a guessing game the whole way through, and I doubt anyone can really have a safety school.
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