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Everything posted by DJ-SLP

  1. pretty sure it was a joke...
  2. Hey! Quite a few people got in off the wait list last year...I don't know an exact number but definitely AT LEAST 5 but probably more (a lot of the people that got interviews were from Quebec and also applied to UQTR and Laval. Given that Quebec's tuition is cheaper, most of the people that got accepted to Ottawa and a Quebec university chose to stay in Quebec).
  3. Wait list could be a good potential, you never know!!! Fingers crossed for you!!!
  4. xjmi: I'm at Ottawa. I saw you applied to U of A, where else did you apply?
  5. Hey everyone! I realize that this might not be the "best" place to be posting since I am currently doing my Master's in SLP now, and I realize that this is a place for you all to vent (and don't get me wrong I know that it is VERY needed at times like these) but I just thought that I would share my history of applying for SLP with you all to maybe give at least someone some inspiration. I'm from Canada, and as I'm sure many of you know, there are A LOT less program options here than there are in the States. So naturally the first time I applied, I applied to 6/10 the Canadian programs (2 of them I didn't have the right pre-requisites for, one of them I didn't apply to because even though my French is good, I didn't understand their website haha and with the stress from all the other schools, I couldn't be bothered to figure it out, and the other I didn't want to write the GRE for). Despite everyone's "you'll get in somewhere don't worry, you're amazing" and "of course you'll get into McGill, that's where you did your undergrad so they will for sure take you!", I got rejected from every single one. Not even a wait list! After this, I figured okay, clearly I need to fix something, went back to school to take the pre-requisites that I was missing to allow me to also apply to the other 2 schools, studied for the GRE (didn't do super hot…did well but not stellar), did even more volunteer work and re-applied again a second time. Once again, no acceptances, no wait lists. So I went on for about a month afterwards, super depressed and didn't really know what to do with my life. Then I decided that this was truly what I wanted to do with my life. So I left my job (working at a restaurant/bar…nothing special), did a whole bunch of volunteer work, re-studied and re-took the GRE, and went back to school part-time AGAIN, but this time I re-took some of the classes that I got below an A- (but at a different University) so that I could boost my GPA of my last 20 classes (since I already knew the material and wasn't learning it for the first time, I got all A+'s and one A in the 6 classes I took). Days passed after hearing everyone on here getting accepted, still no acceptances, then a few rejections rolled in. I remember like it was yesterday, one drunken night I was super depressed, drinking wine on my patio (by myself - yes depressed mode haha!) and I literally crumbled to the ground crying. I must have cried for about 20 minutes just thinking "What's my plan B?" And I got really mad at myself because I DIDN'T have a plan B!! This is what I wanted to do and I knew it!! So finally I calmed myself down and drunkenly decided that even though it would be another year striving for this goal of mine, I would do what I thought it took to achieve it. This made me feel a lot better about myself, I just wasn't sure what everyone else would think if it would come time to tell them. Few days later, I got wait listed at one school, which turned into an acceptance a week after that. All this to say, it took A LOT of time and A LOT of perseverance, but I finally did it! And I can honestly say, I couldn't be more happy than being with the classmates that I am with right now. And I can also honestly say, that if I didn't get in last year, I'd still be trucking away trying to achieve my goal. I hope that every single one of you gets in to at least one school and if not, don't hesitate to contact the University to see where you can improve (most are very helpful with that) and keep following your dreams! Don't give up!
  6. Hey guys! I just read all your posts, I am presently doing my degree at University of Ottawa...I can't speak for U of T/UBC etc. but one of my former profs was on the board for SLP applications at McGill and she basically told me straight up everyone that does not pass their "suggested GPA mark" gets scrapped 1st round (basically they say 3.0/4.0 overall GPA....if you have a 2.9 it gets scrapped!!! Even though it is really close!! So I suggest that you find someone who knows what the real deal is at the school you want to apply to, to make sure that you even have a chance!! ps - don't want to discourage people who have an epic application and a 2.9, but just want to save some from the time and hassle! Or make sure you figure out a way to be sure that you get around that!!!
  7. Frenglish!!! I got in too!!! Congrats!!
  8. Congrats egad00 and AbSLP!!! Such great news!! To those who have been emailing UofA, do you think we can email to ask what our status is? Or would they just respond the typical "acceptances are being sent out" kind of deal?
  9. Thanks!!! Congrats on getting waitlisted too! I didn't realize that there were 20 ppl that applied for audiology (since there were 70 people interviewed). They're so "confidential" about everything, I hate it!! Is your friend going to Ottawa or somewhere else? We gotta start bullying people to go elsewhere haha Ugh April 22nd can't come soon enough!!!!
  10. Do you guys actually think Western decision will be out tonight at midnight given that it is a holiday?
  11. No just Ottawa. I have no desire to go to Trois Rivieres, Laval not sure why I didn't and Universite de Montreal didn't want to re-do my undergrad degree! But I've applied to all the other Canadian schools...rejected from McGill though but big surprise there!
  12. Thanks Inny for the response anyways! I don't know about being jealous about being on a waiting list haha but I guess it's better than a rejection!
  13. Does anyone know anything about being waitlisted at University of Ottawa? i.e. number of people waitlisted, ranking, etc.
  14. Waitlisted at University of Ottawa...anyone know anything about stats for being waitlisted for Ottawa??
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