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    2013 Fall

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  1. That's really good that you've got the inside scoop on certain things! I'm also looking forward to finding out more about their graduate assistantship. It's a very generous offer!
  2. Turtle2014 and superanxious, I did receive an email today notifying me to sign up for that orientation session! So you were right all along turtle2014! The email said that the orientation session will give us more info about our funding package, practicum, how to register, etc. I'm excited to go to the orientation and meet people in the program!
  3. Hey again! Yea I thought of that too-- that first year students would already have started their first placement in January. It is possible that that orientation is for their second placement though, which would start in September I think. What do you think? I think I might just contact the MSW department just to be sure!
  4. Turtle2014 & Superanxious, is that York Orientation for new students starting in September? I'm a bit confused because it's listed under "practicum events" so it makes me think it's for students who are currently doing their program there? I'm not sure though!
  5. Thanks for this info! I've been waiting to find out when orientation will be!
  6. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that U of T accepts the most applicants (for 2-year MSW programs). They accept 140 students.
  7. I decided on York as well! I am wait listed at u of t right now, so if I were to get an acceptance there, it'd be tough to give up that u of t spot; however, I think that overall york's funding package and critical perspective makes it more enticing to choose York personally. I'm super excited to start their msw program!!
  8. Yeah, I guess they haven't sent out the official funding packages yet. I did receive the admission package about two weeks ago also (same as you!) Are you planning on attending York for sure, or are you waiting on other universities?
  9. . Superanxious, in the acceptance email they sent me, they wrote how much my funding package would be. Did they write it for you as well? I haven't received any additional info about the funding package though (no mail or emails).
  10. Thank you!!! Congrats to you too!! & I totally get what you mean-- I don't want to jump ahead of myself before getting an actual letter in the mail! Are you planning on accepting the Windsor offer (once you officially receive a letter/email, etc)?
  11. hmm that's strange that you're having a problem logging in.. I was able to check my MyWindsor the same way that TS28 described-- I went to my.uwindsor.ca and I used the login info that I was sent in an email a while ago. I think it's a good idea to try again tomorrow, and maybe you can try using a different browser and see if that changes anything? Perhaps that'll make a difference-- I'm not sure!
  12. Hi everyone! I just noticed that the status on my "My Windsor" changed to "Accepted Final." I haven't received any mail or emails from them though. Does this online status change mean that I'm accepted?! Thanks!
  13. It makes me happy to read that people are getting their acceptances! All this waiting is finally paying off! Congratulations to everyone who got accepted (wherever it may be!)-- it's a huge accomplishment!
  14. I didn't receive my admission package yet. Hopefully it'll come this week!
  15. I'm wondering if anyone knows how many applicants there were for york's 2 year msw program this year?
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