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Everything posted by veritaserum

  1. Not sure how adventurous you're feeling, but you could also try Couchsurfing, or a hostel, if cost of accommodations is a concern?
  2. Which day / time of day would work best for you guys?
  3. Is this still happening?
  4. Sorry to hear that things didn't really work out for you guys either! *sort-of-high-five cupofnimbus* If anything though, there will be at least some familiar faces next year then! Although to be honest, as of this moment, I'm not entirely sure whether I should go for round two in the 2014-2015 cycle (which if we think about it, will start in about half a year. Scary thought!), or if it would be beneficial to take an extra year, really think about what I want to do research interest-wise, and (hopefully) improve the strength of my application in the meantime... Sleeping on it for a couple days might help in terms of getting perspective. And obviously I don't have anything explicit to contribute to the Profiles/SOPs thread, considering that this cycle didn't pan out for me, but maybe I'll note a couple of things I've learned along the way, mistakes made, that sort of thing. Cambridge would be fantastic, NYCBluenose! Who knows, maybe you will get that scholarship! Is it a Master's or a PhD/DPhil?
  5. That could be fun; let's do it!
  6. Congratulations to all the Harvard and UPenn (and any other) admits!! LOL I have the same (hopefully unfounded) fears, especially since it looks like I'll be coming back for another cycle too...
  7. "Dichun Duan Political Science, Masters (F14) Accepted via E-mail on 3 Mar 2014 U 3 Mar 2014" ^^ This is on the Results Board. Um... Did someone accidentally put in their own name instead of the university? :S
  8. Anyone claiming/can verify the Masters admit to Columbia?? Since their deadline is April 2nd and the website FAQ states: I'd figured there was at least two months until it'd be time to start stressing about responses Edit: fixed a typo
  9. Congratulations!!! Assuming this is your post? That's so awesome! Happy for you
  10. This is very useful information, especially displayed like this. Thanks for sharing! There have only been 8 MIT admits reported thus far, so fingers crossed that they've got a couple more to contact. (Although by the looks of it, only 8 admits were reported on GC last year too...) Also curious about whether any IR acceptances have gone out yet. Congrats to everyone who's heard good news today and yesterday!
  11. Got a phone call: "congratulations, you've won a cruise" ughhhhhhh
  12. Congratulations! Noticed that you're listed as international on the results page; may I ask where you're located presently?
  13. Oh really? Maybe it is Michigan then, hmm... Same, not panicking about Columbia as much as I'd expected. But then again, research interest-wise, it wasn't a great fit, so maybe I've just better prepared myself internally to deal with the disappointment there. That must be so vindicating to finally get it! Congratulations!!
  14. What about UCLA? There's been a huge lull period since their acceptances went out, and even though someone reported on the forums that they'd said notifications were still a work in progress...
  15. I'd always been under the impression that the C was for Columbia... HYP is Harvard Yale Princeton, obviously, and then Columbia was added since it's also in the upper half of the Ivies, rankings-wise, and then M for MIT and S for Stanford, because strong programs and whatnot. Outside of California and internationally, most people refer to UC-Berkeley as simply Berkeley, and not Cal, actually. That aside, congrats to all the Columbia admits! Way to go guys! (sobbing a little on the inside over here about not receiving notification, but mostly feeling okay about it)
  16. If we're going by the logic that Thursday + Friday are considered "late in the week" and foregoing mid-week entirely, then Wednesday would still count as "early this week." In any case, hopefully we get closure one way or the other tomorrow!
  17. Still no word from Columbia
  18. The previous years' threads in this vein have been super helpful, and since we seem to have hit a bit of a lull in terms of responses and people are ruminating on what could have been done differently, what better time to compile a thread of advice, lessons learned, and things of that sort? First, to credit all the threads that have come before: It's indeed a bit early, but the 2012 thread was started on February 13, and RWBG raised a good point about: And the template from previous years: PROFILE: Type of Undergrad Institution: Major(s)/Minor(s): Undergrad GPA: Type of Grad: Grad GPA: GRE: Any Special Courses: Letters of Recommendation: Research Experience: Teaching Experience: Subfield/Research Interests: Other: RESULTS: Acceptances($$ or no $$): Waitlists: Rejections: Pending: Going to: LESSONS LEARNED: SOP:
  19. Is the state of California sketch? (I'm genuinely curious now!)
  20. Gah, so by the looks of it I won't be hearing back from any more schools for the next two weeks then. Thanks for reporting in! And CONGRATS TO ALL THE RECENT ADMITS!!!
  21. Congrats! How goes the wine consumption, by the way?
  22. I remember a couple weeks ago, someone mentioned that the status page once you log into your application had changed - and indeed it had, when I checked. But now it's back to what it used to look like right after the applications were submitted. Strange.
  23. I hear Annie's is pretty good Probably postal service again this year, y'all reckon? I know a couple days/pages back, someone got into touch with UCLA and the response was that it was still a work in progress, but there has literally been no movement whatsoever from them. Are they basically waiting on an internal waitlist then, before notifying rejections officially? Oh whatever, just going to presume a rejection at this point then.
  24. Wow, looks like I missed a lot over the last couple of days. Congrats to everyone who's heard positive news recently!!!
  25. Also part of the carnage for Berkeley. I'd been mentally preparing myself for the rejection over the past couple of days already, but it was still a bit devastating to see it confirmed. Congrats to everyone who got good news today though!
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