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Everything posted by veritaserum

  1. Boat shoes? Or maybe Birkenstocks during the summer... Or flats? Oh dear! lol. Maybe they've just been hit with a high volume of e-mails though.
  2. Any news yet? Just noticed that another post went up on the Results page, via e-mail from the graduate school. *dare we hope?* Edit: Welcome to the conversation, tinkerbell! Nice choice on the username
  3. You Europeans, man. When I was backpacking around Europe a while ago, I was totally struck by the sheer number of languages you guys are fluent in! It's very impressive/I felt a bit inadequate in comparison lol. Whereas here in North America, being tri-lingual and knowing a smattering of words in various other languages, I'd thought I'd been doing okay...
  4. Ich bin ein Berliner? Congrats, Toni! That's so awesome!!
  5. Ran out of reps, so commenting as a multiquote instead. In any case, could it be that IR admissions are going out slightly delayed from the other subfields? *crosses fingers*
  6. Question: for UCLA, was the acceptance right in the e-mail itself? What does the status say on the applicant decision tracker on the website?
  7. Whoa, UCLA admits popping up crazy fast. Congrats to all who got accepted! +1 really hoping that they do more than one round over here too
  8. Congratulations!!! That's so awesome! Welcome!
  9. Also hit rep points quota for the day, but congratulations to all the new admits!! Looks like today's been a big day for many of you Might I ask which subfield y'all are? (Do you think Berkeley's finished sending out acceptances, or will there be any more?)
  10. An acceptance just got posted for UC Berkeley whoa oh man
  11. Was thinking along the same lines as you. It seems reasonable to assume that perhaps a higher proportion of international applicants (especially if we include Americans currently living abroad in this) would be on here relative to the counterpart proportion of American applicants. But if we're talking comparisons in terms of absolute numbers, there are probably more Americans on here than internationals, for the simple fact that there are more Americans full-stop applying for grad programs in the States.
  12. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this yet, but there's now an "Application Decision" section at https://www.grad.ucla.edu/gasaa/admissions/applicat.htm (Unless it's always been there and I've somehow just missed it this entire time?)
  13. So my roommates/flatmates are all big wine/alcohol aficionados. Usually I'm pretty good at not joining them, but over the last couple of days, it doesn't take a whole lot of convincing lol. Welcome to all the new faces usernames (?)! Great to see some more people coming off of anonymous status and joining in the conversation So clearly the UCLA prediction for today didn't pan out. But looking back, term started on Wednesdays the two previous years, but a Thursday this year (January 2nd). Perhaps news will arrive tomorrow instead, since it's been pushed back by a day? I have no idea. Giving up on trying to predict anything else. *sigh*
  14. It's 6:53pm Eastern and 3:53pm Pacific...wonder if any other schools will be releasing results today, or if we're in for a lull for the night. Edit: Congrats to the latest UIUC admit (and the three Chicago admits)!
  15. Oh whoa, 57 users on this topic at the moment, must be a record. I remember reading an article awhile ago that Twitter earns like .25 cents per time tweetfeeds are refreshed... can you imagine if someone figured out a way to monetize page refreshes on gradcafe during results season??
  16. A post for Chicago just went up. Congrats, whoever it is!
  17. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to give it a try! Was at the store debating whether to get a box of Annie's (animal? goldfish?) crackers the other day, and my friend thought it was one of those "imposter brands". But by the looks of it, it seems to be a pretty legitimate brand!
  18. It's probably a good sign that they want to talk to you more! You're definitely someone they're considering seriously, if they're willing to take the time and effort to do that, so have heart! Good luck I miss German frischkase. And European Nutella. LOL.
  19. That's a pretty massive driveway... How is Annie's Mac & Cheese anyway? Just noticed that the grocery store nearby started stocking this brand like last week.
  20. It's not over 'til it's over. They could just be a bit delayed in sending out notifications, hang in there!
  21. Possibly Berkeley too, maybe? On Friday, perhaps? On the note of MIT and postal service - would they only snail mail to applicants currently located in the States, or international as well? *scurries off to check past results* (I wonder if they ever worry about mail getting lost... Although hearkening back to the Materials Sciences (?) fiasco earlier this cycle, if anything, it's a lot harder to accidentally send out acceptances through post, if someone has to physically stuff letters into envelopes and all that.) I know what you mean! For undergrad, because the date was set for April 1st, 5pm (more or less), there was at least the opportunity to mentally get ready one way or the other. But this...this is just constant suspense. Also quite worried that I'm going to get shut out this cycle.
  22. This isn't so much a question for campus visit as a question about campus visits, so I figured I'd put it here to keep the other thread from getting confusing: Which weeks generally tend to be the ones when schools host them? (I recall OSU asking for input on when students would prefer awhile ago?) And are they more often entirely during the week, or do they span the weekend as well?
  23. Woke up in the middle of the night thinking it was Monday morning, and in my half-asleep state, thought about checking e-mail & grad cafe, because like, UCLA results Monday (probably), except middle of the night, and time difference and all that. And then when I actually woke up, I realized that today was Sunday. Yeeeaaah...
  24. So, on a more light-hearted note...anyone watching The Bachelor this season?
  25. Figured I'd pull the past results on Berkeley too, since some UCs seem to be getting a decent amount of action today. The reported results are a lot more patchy for Cal, so definitely a lot less certain in these findings (in many cases for previous years, the earliest reported date only had one incident reported; 2013 had tons of reports). But in any case, going off of those: 2013: Friday, February 8th (4th week, term began Tuesday, January 15th) 2012: Friday, February 3rd (4th week, term began Tuesday, January 10th) 2011: Friday, February 4th (4th week, term began Tuesday, January 11th) This year, spring semester began on Tuesday, January 14th. Extrapolating then, the earliest there will presumably be any news from Berkeley is Friday, February 7th. In a strange sort of way, it'll be interesting to see if any of these predictions pan out.
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