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Everything posted by CharlieRae

  1. I've heard of this process existing at some universities: POI will "recommend for acceptance" to the committee. However, ultimately the committee decides whether or not the candidate is strong enough, especially in comparison with other applicants. Based on what I know, it is not an unofficial offer. Unofficial offers would come from the POI before the school of graduate studies sends its official letter/email.
  2. Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone has had any great or horrible Line of Credit experiences with different Canadian banks. Thus far, it seems that most banks offer great rates to professional programs (medicine, law, etc). I will be entering a clinical psychology program. I think I've narrowed my choices down to RBC and Scotiabank, and Definitely NOT CIBC. Thanks!
  3. UNB has begun to notify people!
  4. LOL. No worries! UNB has finished interviewing, and should have offers out next week which is exciting! Also have heard that acceptances have gone out from the U of A, as well as Guelph!
  5. If you look at the top of the website on this page, there are multiple tabs. One says results search
  6. AWESOME!!!!
  7. I know nothing, nor have I heard anything from any of my colleagues. Have you checked the results search?
  8. SFU is sending out offer letters!! Congrats to those who have already been accepted
  9. Congrats!
  10. UNB started contacting individuals for interviews
  11. Apparently people found Ryerson invites in their junk folder! AGH!!
  12. UNB is back on track in terms of admissions They hope to start reviewing the applicants files by the end of this week. YAY.
  13. Any new movement for anyone? I feel like we're in a bit of a lull!
  14. Ryerson should be contacting short-listed applicants this week!
  15. Congrats!!
  16. Still nothing from Ryerson. They quoted the end of January for me to hear back if I was shortlisted.
  17. I just heard back from the UNB psychology graduate department. The professors are on strike, and the admission process will not begin again until they are finished striking. Thus, the original plan of hearing back at the end of January is no longer accurate, nor are their interviews the first week of January. Hopefully things are resolved shortly
  18. I have not applied to Windsor, but I have a friend who had, and has already interviewed.
  19. Hello! There are lovely topics regarding interview questions to expect at an interview when entering a program. For clinical programs, typically there are questions regarding research, and questions regarding the clinical piece. I am hoping to gain some insight in the type of questions that the graduate students (usually of your potential supervisor's lab) will ask. Any input is fantastic Best of luck to those starting the interview process!! Cheers
  20. Wow! Strike going on at UNB. I wonder how it affects those of us awaiting to hear back!
  21. Hey! No word yet from UVIC!!! EEK. I am hoping by Monday?? The psych secretary was out of the office today.
  22. Waiting oh so patiently....NOT!
  23. Today was just their meeting date to decide which candidates to shortlist. In terms of when we should hear back, I would assume sometime this week.
  24. I would just email the psych graduate secretary and ask them when you can expect to hear back if you are shortlisted
  25. So. This forum is definitely less exciting without any movement I guess the next important deadline that I know of is the 14th for Uvic...oh the waiting game!
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