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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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  1. This was exactly what I needed to hear. Letting funding make the decision for me takes away some of the stress.
  2. Rejected from VCU and UPenn but accepted into MICA Mount Royal! Deciding between MICA, Temple, OSU, and Boston University. Wait listed at the U of M. If anyone has advice about these programs please throw it my way! Or any opinions regarding funding vs reputation. I am intensely conflicted/happy/terrified.
  3. I think my situation was a little weird because they emailed me awhile back and asked if I would consider printmaking. I've just been communicating with the head of printmaking, he told me that I was in. Seriously same! If you ever feel like getting coffee just send me a message. Tryna make some artist friends out here! I live right near campus too. I heard from U of M the other day that I was wait listed. I applied to painting. They emailed me. I'm from MN and am such a fan of their program and the twin cities. I really wanted in. Does anyone have any insight about being wait listed? I probably won't know if I have a chance until after April 15 but I have to decide on my other schools by then. So is there no chance?
  4. I heard through email and I applied to painting but was accepted into printmaking. The program is so interdisciplinary that I'm fine with anything. I live in the area too! I've been living in Columbus since September. I've been loving it. Hey fun, lets be friends!
  5. Rejected from Hunter! Accepted into Temple! They want me to decide in two weeks. I've asked for an extension. I feel like I need to roadtrip up there before I can make the final decision. So far deciding between OSU and Temple. I'm still waiting to hear back from MICA, VCU, Boston, Purchase, and the U of M. kasdhkajshdj. Can anyone shed light on this paragraph out of my letter from OSU? I'm trying to get a clear picture of what they are offering. "In addition to your monthly pay stipend, you will receive the benefit of fee authorization waiving resident or nonresident instructional fees and tuition for autumn and spring semesters. By completing two consecutive semesters (autumn & spring) as a G.T.A. during an academic year, you also receive an automatic (summer) tuition waiver."
  6. Very similar experience! Did you interview with Luca Buvoli for MICA? Were you in person or skype? My temple interview was with 8 people and very critique like. They even said that at the end that the Tyler critique environment is similar to what I had just experienced. I had 14 pages of preparatory notes for these interviews! I still was caught off guard by a couple questions. No idea how my interviews are going. I'm trying to stop myself from obsessing. askjdddd I'm confused about Penn. I assumed I was rejected because I didn't get a request for interview but I got an email the other day telling me to fill out my fafsa on time. Do they conduct interviews for all finalists? Which program did you apply to?
  7. Hi guys! I wish I would have remembered the existence of this forum earlier. I am too stressed to function//it's time to contribute. here's where I am: Ohio State : Accepted! Printmaking. Found out via email. University of MN: Interviewed on 1/21 Purchase: Skype interview requestion MICA [mount royal]: Interview happened on 2/18 Temple: interview 2/22. tomorrow!! [terrified] VCU: Assumed rejected? UPenn: ? Hunter: ? U Boston: ? I applied to the painting program at OSU but they took me in printmaking. Thrilled either way, it seems to be a very interdisciplinary program and they've offered me a teaching assistantship. I feel good about OSU. Scared about my interview with MICA! I think it went well. oh maybe. oh who knows. I am so impressed by the new director, almost star struck. I butchered a question about critical theory and I know they lean towards older more established artists. I am 22. I think we bonded a bit though. oh me oh my oh my. We'll see! Trying to just let it go and leave it up to fate! But boy oh boy this whole process is making me mentally unstable.
  8. I don't know if you're applying to painting but if you go here http://arts.vcu.edu/admissions/how-to-apply/graduate/ and then scroll down to the painting section is says "Artist Statement: Please submit with your University application as Statement of Purpose and upload as PDF with your supplemental materials." Which is pretty confusing and easy to miss! I emailed somebody from admissions about it and she said that yes, you do submit your artist statement in the Statement of Purpose section of the University app. Again, I'm applying to painting so you'll have to double check for whatever you're going into.
  9. Hi guys. I have so much enjoyed spending the last hour or so looking through websites! I am a bucket full of impressed. This forum holds talent! I recently graduated with a BFA in painting and I am applying this fall to multiple MFA programs. First timer. https://emmakindall.squarespace.com/ My website is a bit all over the place right now. My portfolio wil be wildly edited down and consist (I'm thinking) of mostly my mixed media work. I am working on quite a few more mixed media paintings right now. I welcome all feedback/jokes/life advice/critique/school suggestions. I am especially interested in multidisciplinary programs and programs with good funding.
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