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About NavyMom

  • Birthday June 14

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    Public Policy and Administration

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Mocha (7/10)



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  1. Rewrite of first paper, 18-25 page rough draft of group project due next Tues, "48 hour" memo to do this weekend, another 2 page memo to write due next Monday, study for Econ midterm, full time job.... and somewhere in there trying to accomplish a work-life balance. Been doing well up to this point. I think they are testing out our pressure points... I don't want to break. Not now.

    1. Threeboysmom


      Wow, sounds like a lot. My only advice which I'm sure you're already practicing is break the projects down into smaller manageable portions. I agree with you about testing our pressure points. And this is just the beginning of grad school. Ha! I've adopted a new motto. "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger. " Nietzche

    2. NavyMom


      I am starting to feel the exhaustion hit for the first time. Going to bed at 10:30pm, waking up at 5am. Working all day, then study / do homework for every other waking minute.

    3. Threeboysmom


      I do understand the exhaustion, last week I survived on about three hours of sleep nightly. Today I needed to start on yet another paper but I had to catch up on housework.

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