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    Cambridge MA
  • Application Season
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  • Program
    MIT BE Ph.D.

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  1. For those who will be in Cambrdge Ma, please take advantage of all the perks in this area! Go to the Harvard MIT Galas, use the discount Symphony tickets, go to shows at the Opera house, go to the Head of the Charles Regatta, take the free sailing lessons, run in one of iconic races in this incredible place - I do the Run to Remember and any others I can and am trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon before I graduate! Experience the culture offered to grad students. Welcome to Cambridge!
  2. Ok, so where is everyone going?
  3. DId anyone who interviewed at MIT BE hear back yet? Just curious if any of you will be joining us!
  4. In 2014 they went deep into their wait list. It all depends on how many accept their offer.
  5. I had to do that as I had to catch a plane cross country for a previously scheduled interview. They were very understanding and I was accepted immediately after the interview.
  6. My year they were extremely flexible They let me come in a day early and fly out a day early to meet a committment at another school.
  7. Hello, I think I saw you posted some where about the acceptance rate for  upenn interview.  Could you elaborate more about this?  Just got an invitation for on campus interview without any previous indication at all.  I am wondering how much can I read into the interview as I have never written to any one and no one has contacted me neither to express any interests.



  8. You are correct! Someone just posted on results that they received an invite today. Good luck!
  9. Hmm, that's odd...I guess time will tell. I hope it is true, but that did not happen my year.
  10. Things were pretty messed up my year and some of us were contacted while Enroute to meet with people on travel day I barely made mine, some people were in the air and missed them. The intent was for us to travel get settled have dinner with grad students and interview the next day. It didn't work out that way for some of us! I assumed certain professors suddenly couldn't meet on the scheduled day . Yes I did stay for the entire program. I only cut one interview program short, Columbia, because I had to fly cross country and left a few hours earlyto make my flight.
  11. I brought two outfits: Dress grey pants, striped button down and tie (although I pocketed in most of the time) Dressy khakis, blue botton down Obviously a nice belt and Sperrys that were not worn out. I brought a sweater but the weather was good so didn't end up wearing it. I also brought a blue blazer but didnt wear i unless I saw others wearing them - some of my schools were more formal.
  12. My year, 2014 this is what happened: You were not accepted if you could not make the interview. They initially accepted only first choices for each lab and put the other interviewees on an alternate list - presumably in some kind of order. If offers were not accepted they went to the list. I recieved an email that I was an alternate, but expected to be admittted and a few weeks later I was. That year they went very deep into their alternate list as many offers were declined. I think it was handled very differently the next year and they accepted way more poeple up front, though so not sure if that will hold true for you guys.
  13. I completely agree.
  14. I drove so didn't need airfare, but the hotel was paid upfront. They took forever to reimburse me though! Good luck everyone!
  15. This week? If so there is really no snow in the forecast. I would check a weather app. Wear whatever you planned, but with an overcoat, gloves and hat. If you find weather calls for snow or shush you can bring some boots, but you probably won't be walking the streets much. I would not consider jeans business casual. Good luck !
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