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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Masters of Social Work

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  1. I spoke to my bank about deferral for UG loans, and they told me they receive the clearinghouse or official school information, and then any deferral goes into effect 45 days prior to this start date. My bank also told me any money I paid from July and August can be returned to the borrower as that money is no longer required.
  2. mpainter

    San Diego, CA

    As for Chinese Food, you really need to travel a long way to get it in the area. You'll have to take the bus to get closer to SDSU for great Chinese food. Although not the same, there's so much more good Vietnamese and Mexican food near UC San Diego. If you need stuff, thankfully you will be near the mall on your free buss pass. Also, you will not be alone if you are an international student. Even if you are not an undergrad, UCSD has international housing and a large international presence in Eleanor Roosevelt College. Many international students' resources can be found there and in the International Housing building near Center Hall.
  3. mpainter

    San Diego, CA

    Scarf in the wind, El Cajon may be a cheap area, but there are some sketchy areas that may not be safe at night. I am thinking of similar areas too for when I move only because of the location between the trolley line. Mission Hills may run you up some money, I've been told. But yeah SDSU is great because of the trolley line. Much of midtown from Santee to Downtown runs by it, so its a start for sure.
  4. Hi again, I too was accepted and chose SDSU for fall 2014. I am planning to specialize in Medical or Geriatric Social work. I too am waiting to hear from my field faculty about interviews for first year placement. I definitely would like to meet with other MSWs, however I am not going to be back in SD until the end of July, or August.
  5. mpainter

    San Diego, CA

    StarofDawn, I really wouldn't look at somewhere in the Nobel Drive/ Lebon Drive Area only because those apartment buildings are up the creek. I would look at apartment buildings near Governor as many of my friends lived there and found affordable housing.
  6. mpainter

    San Diego, CA

    I used to go to UCSD, so I actually think that taking a bus to Solana Beach by train is much easier and not as scary as taking a train from Old Town. If you don't know how to do that from campus, the university has information that lets you get to where you need. Also for UCSD students, the school the last I heard offers a free city bus pass for any route that has a 5 mile radius within the campus. So there, its cheap and you can take your luggage if time isn't an issue.
  7. Today I officially have accepted San Diego State University's offer for their MSW program. I cannot wait to go back to the city and finally go and get my Master's Degree.
  8. mpainter

    FAFSA Loans?

    I think for the most part Munashi, it depends from university to university what the hard and fast deadline for aid is. Usually Federal Aid can be available pretty late, even into a few weeks for a semester. However, the other thing you should look into if some situation changes is what short-term loans Penn State offers in case of emergencies. Usually, colleges have these options, so ask what is available.
  9. Danibo, I also had a 3.32 (from UC San Diego with a BS in Psychology). Since the program was also competitive, I also had my doubts about grad school chances. However, because I had laboratory and job experience, I believe that is what got me accepted to SDSU's program. Let your professional references write good letters, and just do what you need to for application requirements. Some schools will like you because of your focus, and some will not. I didn't get into UCLA, but assume it was because of how competitive the school is. I think you'll be fine, and your experience is what admissions is more concerned with when reviewing you.
  10. I was rejected by UCLA, but was accepted to SDSU. I didn't immediately apply for an MSW, and worked an extra 4+ years to make sure I was confident to apply. Part of my confidence came from the fact that I did laboratory research as a psychology undergrad with two people, one being a well cited expert in autism behavioral therapy. I too retook the GRE, and actually improved my writing score from a 4 to a 4.5 With the SOP, I really feel that you have to present yourself and what qualities you can sell to show you can work hard under pressure. I had experience with autistic and lower SES youth in the school systems, and put it in on there. Don't be shy to go back in your past with your volunteer history as well. I specifically showed that I had an interest in a social-work related profession by saying I had done extensive volunteering with the elderly while in high school. Really also don't be afraid to connect with your LOR, and ask them if they can provide a reference that has all the information that makes you qualified for the job. If you did more than take a class with a professor, and actually had some one on one contact, talk to them and let them know if they can write for you, and if there's any additional information they may need. I think its really important to also look at the two programs, and branch out to other programs as well. I heard great things about UCLA and Cal, but I've also heard some negative and legitimate issues that made me glad that I didn't get in. One more thing: Please feel free to try and contact current MSW students and ask them about their experience. Don't ask them how to help you, but ask them more about the university's program, so you can get a feel out of how to tailor your SOP.
  11. mpainter

    San Diego, CA

    I actually was an undergrad at UCSD, and probably will be a grad student next year at SDSU, and I"m trying to figure out my situation as well. I will probably follow the Normal Heights advice, but also advise people to group together and look around and talk to other grad students. Off-campus housing is the way to go, and way more inexpensive than the options the state university has for on campus. I especially advise people to go to the areas mentioned, as well as Mission Valley and the Convoy areas. For me, I have to use a car for fieldwork. Also, even though San Diego doesn't have fast transit, it is easy to commute from SDSU ( way more so than UCSD which lives in its own La Jolla/University City world)
  12. ok, well, I'll let the cat out of the bag since its more and more likely I'm going there, but SDSU sent me an acceptance letter about 2 weeks ago. I've been waiting to hear back from CSULA, but I already have seen I got state university grants from them, and most likely heading there if I don't hear back from them. I applied to UCLA on January 15th. I'm ok about not going there as I went UCSD for undergrad. I'm also a bit more familiar with the San Diego area, and I don't feel there is as much competition for fieldwork as there is for grad students at the universities in LA.
  13. I got rejected, but I already heard back from another university prior to this saying I was accepted. I'm also ok with the decision.
  14. I had more of a question on this from people who are doing fieldwork. Does your agency give you time to make up fieldwork because of car troubles. I assume people cannot perfectly always show up all the time, and my car isn't always going to be perfect because of its age.
  15. Yeah, I want to hear back from CSULA too. I applied on the deadline date, and need to make a decision soon.
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