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Everything posted by LlamaMama

  1. I just finished a statistics class online through Passaic Community College (New Jersey). Credits are really cheap, even for non residents. I think it cost me $200 total. Very manageable class.
  2. Is anyone here a current grad student? How many hours do you spend studying? I'm taking 15 credits my first semester in grad school. I've seen estimates of 3 hours outside of class studying per credit? So this means 45 hours outside of class studying?
  3. I'm 41 and was just accepted into my top choice program. It's never too late to pursue your interests and dreams! I think my non-traditional background and life experience helped me stand out from the crowd. Good luck!
  4. I live about 15 minutes from WP (though I have not toured the campus). Are there communities near campus that you're considering?
  5. Ha ha, anyone want to bypass care.com and work for me, babysitting my 3 kids? I'm in NJ:)
  6. Magoosh is great. Also, the Manhattan Prep books are really really good, and if you buy one, you get access to 6 scored online practice tests.
  7. I will be taking general ed classes required for eventual licensure (I need statistics and biology). Should be a challenge--I have 3 kids and they'll be out of school for the summer!
  8. I was also accepted at Montclair! By email this morning with letter to follow.
  9. I think Montclair's application deadline last year was March 1, so that might explain the April acceptances.
  10. I was looking at the results page and was surprised to see that someone was rejected by Montclair via email on 3/10?! I'm still waiting and checking the admissions portal every day. Nothing yet.
  11. -Make sure you understand and answer the essay question. -Tell how you will contribute to your chosen grad program. How does your unique perspective benefit your classmates, your class discussions, or a professor's area of research? This is also an opportunity to show you've researched the schools you're applying to.
  12. If you look up schools on Edfind, most list the actual range of GRE scores and GPAs of accepted students.
  13. This GPA emphasis is absurd. I'm not convinced that a 4.0 student would make a better SLP than a 3.4 student. When I see a lower GPA, I sometimes wonder if there are character-building circumstances behind it. Did a student need to work two jobs while getting that degree? We're they caring for a sick or disabled relative? Were they pursuing other interests besides comm disorders? Interests that might make them a more well-rounded person? The GPA range of accepted students at many programs according to Edfind is 3.3-4.0, so obviously some applicants with "lower" GPAs are getting in. Don't lose hope!
  14. Look into Kean. They let u customize their online program.
  15. This is sort of off-topic, but does anyone have an idea of why universities are adding post-bacc programs rather than accepting more students into actual grad programs? It seems like there are already too many qualified undergrads applying--why add to that pool? There seems to be a huge need for SLPs and not enough new grads every year. Do ASHA's policies on accreditation make it prohibitively difficult to increase cohort size? It's frustrating to see so many qualified candidates being turned down when the demand in the field is so high. Any thoughts?
  16. Try Kean. They will let you customize their post-bac program, so you only take the classes you want/need to take for the programs you are applying to.
  17. Good luck to everyone! I'm also a "mature student" in my early 40s with three kids at home. I only applied to one school near my home. The logistics of going back to school are daunting, but I think older students have a lot to offer and add some diversity to graduate programs. Hope we all get good news soon!
  18. Hi! I am hoping to apply to SLP programs for fall 2014. I am a non traditional student--I worked in book publishing in NYC for my first career, then took time off to stay at home with my three children. Now my youngest is turning two, and I'm hoping to get my Masters and go back to work by the time he starts kindergarten. I took two prerequisite classes at Montclair State last fall and really enjoyed it. My undergrad GPA is pretty good (3.7) and I got an A- in both classes I took last year. But these programs seem so competitive! The stats are very daunting! But then again I do know people with a similar background to mine who have been admitted to Montclair State, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I am studying for the GRE and hope to take it this fall. I am planning to apply to Montclair State (the SLP program is about 5 minutes from my house), plus Kean and Patterson, and maybe Seton Hall. I am having trouble figuring out who to ask for references, probably will be one professor from last year, plus a work supervisor. My experience with SLP comes mainly from negotiating therapy with my oldest son (he had apraxia as a toddler and continues to have some other issues). I also have a younger brother with autism. Good luck to everyone, nice to find this message board to compare notes.
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