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Everything posted by clairenicole

  1. In my experience not hearing back meant I didn't get the assistantship but that definitely isn't true for every school and department. Since its been about a month I think it's reasonable to send an email now!
  2. Mine was a little bit over one page because I've only had one Student Affairs related job and a couple of internships. I did end up getting chosen for a GA position though, so I must have done something right.
  3. In that case I definitely wasn't a nerd, I had to do summer school and night school to make up for all the classes I failed. I think I ended up graduating with a 1.7 and I had to go to community college to get my GPA to an acceptable level so I could enroll in a four year university.
  4. I was even worse than a nerd, I was a scene kid.
  5. This is my first time applying for grad schools too so I don't have any advice on that front but it looks like we're in the same situation! I don't really want to start a HESA program without a GA position because I feel like it'll be harder to get a job when I graduate, I think I'm going to look for a student affairs related job at one of the local colleges around here and reapply next year. Good luck with your last school, I hope you get some great news.
  6. I would definitely reccommend Parks and Rec if you want to watch something funny. Freaks and Geeks is an amazing show and it's only one season so it's easy to watch it in its entirety!
  7. I have a phobia of big dogs and all my friends are like look clairenicole isn't that puppy so cute!!! When really that "puppy" is a full grown Mastiff and I'm busting my ass trying to cross the street to get away from it. Also, Taylor Swift annoys me to no end.
  8. I got rejected from my first choice school but I've gotten into a couple other programs that I like almost as much. I emailed the grad director to ask what I can do to strengthen my application for next year and he offered to set up a time we can talk about it on the phone. If I end up not being able to see myself in any other program but the one I like the best I'm going to take the information he gives me and make sure my application for next year is stellar!
  9. It had been a while since I last heard from one of my schools so I emailed them and asked if they had a general timeline for when admission decisions would be made and I got an email back saying they weren't sure. Literally ten minutes later when I was eating lunch with my friends I got another email letting me know I had been accepted into the program!
  10. I'm still waiting to hear back from UNL.
  11. ENFP here! It's weird that the only other ENFP answered the poll literally right before I did, we must have some sort of psychic connection.
  12. I keep checking GAMES and MyRED hoping my status will change from submitted to under review but it hasn't happened yet. I hate these March decisions!
  13. I emailed the grad secretary for Educational Leadership and she said they're going to start looking over applications today and decisions should be made by the end of March.
  14. I had just finished my shift at work and I purposely was staying away from my laptop because obsessively checking my email was starting to become bad for my mental health. I decided to check it one last time on my phone and there it was! A couple days before that, I got rejected from my second choice so seeing an acceptance email from my first choice was the best feeling in the world.
  15. Hi guys, did anyone else apply to the Higher Education program at Loyola? If so, what were your stats and have you heard back from them at all yet? The wait is driving me crazy!
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