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  1. Although I am confident that no one will recognize me at Emory or Vanderbilt from the things I've posted on here, I recognize that what I did was wrong and want to apologize to the readers of this forum. I apologize to everyone who experienced my tirade yesterday against the YDS admissions staff. In particular, I'm terribly sorry for the sexual favors I implied were exchanged between applicants and adcomm staff. While clearly hyperbolic, these statements tended to imply that others had not earned their place in New Haven. Although it was an utter shock to be rejected after being offered near full-funding to two of YDS' peer institutions and being recommended by a board member, I'm sure, as someone pointed out above, that it had something to do with fit rather than qualification. Btw, there was a previous poster who said something about how 'earning' a place wasn't a relevant category...haha ok Mahatma R. E. Hobart, humility is one thing, but people do, in fact, earn things like admission to YDS. Otherwise these boards wouldn't exist. I want to say categorically that I am not 'entitled' to attend Yale - if anyone were there would be no such thing as an admissions process - but still want to communicate how devastated I am at rejection.
  2. It's so easy to troll you self righteous types
  3. Ohhhh entitlement. Yeah. Sorry for misreading. Yes, I am entitled to go to YDS. Period. I earned it. They are mistaken in their decision. Experts in the field would agree. Including their distinguished alumni board. I'm actually not 'entitled' in a general sense at all tho. Once you spend a year of high school in a homeless shelter you learn a thing or two about grace.
  4. After you've looked up 'enlightenment,' 'non sequitur,' and spent a bit more time in a dictionary in general, then please go to urbandictionary.org and look up 'pwn' 'ostrich' and 'fail.'
  5. And enter non sequitur. Game. Set. Match.
  6. You saying adcomms don't exchange favors for admission? Ha! Hahaha. Ha. Still, I'm sure most wouldn't settle for JUST a bj.
  7. Praise be! The pope has arrived to protect the virtue of anonymous online complaining boards. I'd be happy to let you read my essays and find out that I moved out of an incredibly abusive home and became homeless at 16, then accomplished all the above regardless. But you're right, entitled, brat, etc. Sorry, however, for diminishing the accomplishments of those who were admitted. I just know when I've been denied something I've earned (and Candler and Vandy seem to agree).
  8. YDS is sham. I got generous funding (80-90%) to Vandy and Candler (everywhere else I applied) and didn't even get into YDS. Did I mention that I do TFA, graduated with honors from a t-10 undergrad, and my pastoral rec came from a minister on their distinguished alumni board? Congrats to all who got in, please tell the rest of us who to fellate for those blue bloods in New Haven to send out an admit to someone without BullDog ejaculate all over their faces already. And I hope someone from their adcomm reads this because you all BLOW.
  9. What yds admissions twitter?
  10. what's the deal with Yale? they sending out emails tomorrow ?
  11. My results so far: Vanderbilt--80% tuition Emory--90% tuition Still waiting to hear from Yale.
  12. PTS is a great place, I'm sure you'll love it! I applied to Candler, Yale & Vandy. So far I've heard about admission from Candler only!
  13. Sorry you didn't get what you were looking for in terms of aid :/....I still haven't heard anything about $$ from Candler.
  14. Vanderbilt mDiv full rides should be called today based on when past decisions have been released. I guess no one on this site was invited to Leadership Candler!
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