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    2014 Fall

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  1. I'm turning 24 tomorrow, the most depressing thing that could ever happen to me.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. gk210


      24 is NOT old. i'm about to turn 25 in february and i thought that'd be the end of it. little did i realize how young we still really are. what do you mean you're getting old with "nothing to show for"? you're working towards your education and career, aren't you? that's way better off than a lot of 24 year olds I know.

    3. Soleil ت

      Soleil ت

      I just turned 25 in September, and I've actually been severely depressed because of it. My friends and family laugh because they think I'm joking when I say I'm suffering from a "quarter-life crisis", but it's a real thing. If I were close to a career or anything truly "attainable", it wouldn't be so bad. Instead, I'm finishing up a MA in something I'm not even sure I want to continue doing. My two career path choices (PhD or MD) require years of ti...

    4. Soleil ت

      Soleil ت

      (ack, deleted part of my comment) ...time and lots of thought, yet I feel too "old" to choose either of them. I've even considered applying for a 2-year SLP program just because I feel like that's how much time I have left to get into a career. If it starts to make you feel depressed, get help. Don't let it drag you down or severely influence your choices or your schooling like I've done. It's no good feeling this way.

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