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Posts posted by carlsaganism

  1. 5 minutes ago, WhoEvenCares said:

    I just don't understand life anymore. I did everything they asked for. I had the GPA, the GRE, the publications, the Ivy League school, 3 fantastic recommendation letters, one from a big name in the field. It isn't like I'm some hopeful with crap scores and no publications hoping to get in. I can't believe I'm in the pool of people who don't get into grad school with everything that I did. I sacrificed every day of my undergrad to get this. I ended friendships because they were sapping the time I needed to put in to make sure I got into grad school. I have cried at least once a week for the past four years slaving over this. I didn't even get into this Ivy League school like all the legitimate people who actually deserved to...I transferred here. I just don't know why the world keeps punishing me. I read the acceptances and rejections list that people post on this forum for grad programs and all I see are "I can't believe it, I finally accomplished my childhood dream of getting into school/program X" and I've never felt that way in my entire life. Why can't things go my way for once? Why can't I be a legitimate success like all those people? What more do you want from me, universe, I've done everything already!!!!! The person I was dating got into every single school I've ever wanted to go to, so I dumped them. Now I'm left without a grad school, a partner, or a future. You win life. I give up. I've started applying to dead end jobs making minimum wage because I can't keep convincing myself I might actually be somebody some day when the world keeps laughing at all my efforts. Four years wasted. I just can't do it anymore. 

    I didn't get into anything the first time around either. Don't give up. Did you apply to any backup schools? Perhaps try to apply to a wider range of schools the next time around?

  2. 16 minutes ago, grilledcheese1 said:

    Will this be the latest release date in the past 17 years, as the application due date used to be later?

    Possibly, but there hasn't been a combination of hurricanes and government shutdown in the past

  3. 3 hours ago, harshingig said:

    Some of the stuff in this thread is ridiculous for so many reasons. So much nearly blind guessing (with so many factors involved), hype and emotions. Going through the past several pages of this thread you would think we would have had the results 10 times over. It's like some care more about the money attached to this grant than they do the research. I seriously hope none of this carries over into your research careers and scientific method. I know you have all wasted my time sucking me into thinking it will be announced early. This reminds me of people who stress so much over their grades and they miss out on life, learning and independent thinking.

    Once again a non sequitur.

  4. 2 hours ago, harshingig said:

    You people are going crazy. 2017 results have been available for at least 2-3 days so I'm not sure what you are talking about.

    you are the crazy one for posting a non sequitur.

  5. 10 minutes ago, mparrish429 said:

    I believe there actually was, I think I recall the list being taken down during one of the Saturday night maintenances about two weeks ago.

    I think that's true, but the argument is that the new system revamp may change this for upcoming releases. We will know for sure tomorrow morning.

  6. 3 hours ago, TheonlyJman said:

    I really hope that none of you that are posting on here get the grfp. You are pathetic. Go get a date or do something worthwhile. Seriously rethinking whether I want to spend the next 4-6 years of my life interacting with people like you.

    if you look anything like your profile picture, then it must be hard for you to find a date. Is that also the photo for your SeniorMatch.com profile?

    You are also about as smart as you look. You go to Utah School of Medicine? No wonder the salt =)

  7. 15 minutes ago, psychpride9 said:

    If the maintenance message isn't up by 9pm today, I'm assuming it's next week or the week after. Ugh. Hope everyone is taking care of themselves! 

    You meant 9 pm tomorrow right?

  8. 17 minutes ago, GoldenDog said:

    If you look at my the post I made earlier, you can see that last year it decreased by like 30%, which seems pretty significant to me. But I would think it would be similar, maybe with 1-2k less this year because students previously grandfathered in are gone. 


    10 minutes ago, slavsquat said:

    I'm pretty sure it's been 2k every year (google grfp winners for 201x and you'll see they have posted about it officially on their website- 2015-2017 have been 2k winners) the $$ amounts have varied through the years because the budget changed and a few years ago there was a significant increase to the budget. however i feel that for this year  the budget won't affect the amount of people accepted and the reward they had mentioned (but i suspect that the years to follow might be affected as a result of any budget changes) 

    sorry, I was very unclear. What I meant "by year" was senior ugrad vs 1st year grad vs 2nd year grad. Someone claimed that it is more difficult to get the fellowship as a 2nd year grad and I don't think that's accurate.

  9. 7 hours ago, YouCantBcereus said:

    I'm all but certain I won't get it (2nd year student, not from an underrepresented group, no pubs until after I submitted my application) but at this point I just want the results to come out so I can stop worrying about it. And I'm really interested in the feedback on my application.

    I don't think the # of accepted applicants vary significantly with year. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seemed pretty even to me based on the stats from last year.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Bayesian1701 said:

    Not only is the weather bad, but the budget bill isn’t passed yet.  CNN says it should go through but I am skeptical that certain people will cooperate.     Maybe they will break from tradition due to the last minute delays.  I have made my decision but I don’t want to fully commit (sign a lease, accept the offer) until I know I did or didn’t  get NSF.  I am waiting until April 3rd and then am going to commit anyway, but hopefully, we will know by then.  

    are you going to Duke or UT Austin?

  11. 11 minutes ago, Aplomb.Élan said:

    I think at best we can hope for it to be a Tuesday or a Friday and the early release last year was an anomaly rather than a new rule? Also we should ignore that reddit troll. They have made two separate accounts just to post fake release dates. 

    Yea, ignore the fake news

  12. 40 minutes ago, mircakes said:

    At this point, I think it’s anyone’s guess when the results will come out. And I don’t think anyone hanging out on Reddit or GC has “inside knowledge,” or any information other than a guess based off of previous years. Other than it being a Tuesday or a Friday sometime before mid (or late?) April, who knows when it’ll come out. 

    I knew it wouldn’t be out this morning, but I was still disappointed when I woke up this morning to no email. I’m tired of waiting!! I just want to know. Sigh. 

    yes, I think people have figured that the "NSF insider" is likely a troll.

  13. 6 minutes ago, keepsmiling:) said:

    I am an undergrad that applied for the GRFP.  So far I haven't been accpeted to grad school. If I receive a GRFP (which I highly doubt I will), do you think I could contact the schools I applied to and ask if my application can be reconsidered? Just looking for opinions! Thank you!

    That's a possibility, but it highly depends on the program. If the POI is the main decision maker, then it is more likely.

  14. 5 minutes ago, grilledcheese1 said:

    Saw a comment on Reddit saying their PI told them they just got the results and it would be another 2 weeks.  Choosing not to believe what I hear this time and foolishly trying to convince myself that results will be up by Easter!


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