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Everything posted by rainy_day

  1. Radio silence on my end. My partner applied to their Fiction MFA program and has yet to hear anything, either, fwiw.
  2. Is anyone else afraid that they are not asking the right questions/are forgetting something big? I thought we could help each other out by compiling a list of different questions to ask our potential programs, as people try to make decisions. Some that I plan on asking: What is the placement rate? How many of those are in TT or visting professorship positions (i.e. not adjunct)? What professionalization steps are available/supported/required? How are students prepared for the job market throughout the program? What additional means of funding are available (summer work, summer teaching, conference/research grants, etc.)? If funding isn't guaranteed, how is it secured? What are the steps leading up to the dissertation? How are students prepared/how do students prepare for the dissertation?
  3. Clearly you've never spent much time at the UMass Dartmouth campus. The walls are cement, made to look like corrugated cardboard. It oozes gloom & despair. I used to have to visit RI/Southern MA campuses for my job, so I have a pretty strong opinion on the aesthetics of each campus and could go on for far too long about this topic. CCRI Warwick is also worse than RIC. Did you know the guy who designed that went on to design prisions?
  4. Although, RIC does have an MA in English, and I someone in the PhD program at my current school came from RIC for undergrad!
  5. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that!! *hugs* In this game "no news is not bad news" doesn't often translate to good news, so I'll probably be gnashing my teeth along with you shortly.
  6. I think (although I could be wrong) that it is generally considered poor form to transfer from one PhD program to another. People certainly do it, but I think you're stepping into a bit of a political situation that might count against you. But an in-state MA in one or two years, if you spend that time honing your research interests and getting strong LORs, etc? Could work wonders!
  7. Honestly? Don't do it. You'd be far better off waiting another year and reapplying (including to URI) or getting an MA, even unfunded, because that's only 2 years and a PhD is going to be 5. That's a whole lot of debt, and we all have to acknowledge that we might not get a job on the other side of this.
  8. Yes, I've applied to three who seemingly haven't notified at all!
  9. I used to work with the Rhet/Comp faculty a few years ago, in a professional setting. They were so lovely and clearly really committed to pedagogy, etc. I really loved the energy of Rhet/Comp.
  10. Well, in that case, PM me! I worked in publishing, in Boston, for 3 years between undergrad and grad!
  11. try www.mediabistro.com not sure where you're located, but: http://bbboston.org/ (Boston is the main location for textbook publishing.) Also, be sure check out the websites of individual publishing companies! That's probably the best bet.
  12. Congrats!!! They have such a great program, especially for theory. Crossing my fingers that the waitlist works your way. (I tried to "like" your post but apparently I've "reached my positive quote for the day." did not know that was possible and find it hilarious.)
  13. okay, two reports are now up for a rejection, but no adimts or waitlists? anyone want to claim these rejections? did you email to inquire about your status, or were these just sent out as a form letter email?
  14. I'm still waiting to pop open the bottle of champagne in my fridge for an acceptance. With a waitlist at one of my top choice schools, it might be preeeetty close to April 15th before I get to open the bottle.
  15. It seems to me that you also won't be able to teach public school as readily with a PhD, though. So if you really want the PhD, then the funded MA might help you get there.
  16. No need to apologize! I'm right there with you!
  17. Anytime someone posts in this thread, my heart starts pounding. I realize, I've now probably done the same thing to someone else by making this comment.
  18. You'll probably get more accurate information if you could get in touch with some graduate students there and ask them your questions. The DGS will have the email addresses of students who are willing to answer your questions.
  19. I think your work sounds interesting, and I think English departments are largely very open to interdisciplinarity and a braod understanding of "the text." More than your interests, I would think your background would be the "weakness" per say. Maybe you could take a graduate class or two this semester, to strengthen your English chops. And next time around you might want to add some funded MAs to your search.
  20. My comment is a tangental, but I really like this point, Lyonness, and want to expand on it. I'll add that, while we may think our ideas are so advanced and elite we can't possibly share them with "the masses," that is deeply flawed and problematic thinking. My brother and father both work as commercial fisherman, and neither has a college degree. I regularly tell them about my research projects, and they find it really interesting. And my work is all about theory. I spent a long time discussing Foucault with each of them, and they loved it. My brother has since gone around and told other people about Foucault's notions of discourse & power. He's also provided me with some interesting ideas and valuable feedback. I tell you all of this because a) I have an awesome family and b ) I think we should constantly look outward with our work. The perception that our work is insular produces that very reality.
  21. Lyonness, That makes a lot of sense. I assumed it was awkward legal language, but harsh none the less. Seattle is actually probably the only school left on my list that I'm excited about the possibility of as much as Minnesota, so I'm glad your experience was positive! Speaking of which, I'll actually probably be PMing you this week with some Minnesota questions!
  22. WTF?! That is truly awful.
  23. I think UMass Boston has TA-ships avail for MA students and a pretty late deadline, although I don't know specifics.
  24. I just submitted an abstract for an MLA panel. The contact person for the panel is a POI from what was my first choice. As they say: Whomp, Whomp.
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