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Everything posted by KenAnderson

  1. Anyone going to Arizona PhD English RCTE? I still have not heard back...
  2. My graduate M.A. English comprehensive written exams are next week!! AH!! 6 hours long!!! Trying not to panic. Anyone else taking their exams this term?
  3. Well, received a nice rejection email from Washington State And I am still waiting to hear from Arizona! Also waiting to hear about a funding and GTA offer (if any) from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Anyone decided to go to Arizona??
  4. I am taking History of Rhetoric this term and the text we are using is" The Rhetorical Tradition: Readings from Classical Times to the Present" (Bizzell and Herberg). It is one I will keep on my shelf, but I would wait until the summer to buy it...much cheaper.... used around 25 bucks!
  5. Proflorax: Also Congrats on your decision! Sounds as though the program at Maryland is a great match with your interests. Best of Luck
  6. Proflorax: Go with your heart! Good luck and Congrats!!
  7. Well, everyone knows about Iowa state's program...solid reputation and it has a proven and successful program, but frankly, I have never heard of East Carolina's program... I would search the forum for posts about both programs.. and I would not limit your choice to only two schools...spread the net...
  8. It depends on what you want to do with your PhD. If it is teaching and academic research....I'd go with Iowa State. Look at alumni job placements from both programs...
  9. My GPA was 3.89 and I received a rejection from UMass, but I was accepted to Louisiana's PhD Rhetoric and Composition program...I would suggest you enroll as a postbac-grad in a good school and take 2 or three English grad courses and get all A's and that will fix the GPA....if your other material is great ( letters, SOP, sample paper..GRE verbal above 90 percentile and writing section at least a 5.0) ...you will get into a program somewhere..... however, UMASS is very tough to get into..they only take about 4 to 5 Rhet/Comp people....make sure you apply to a good number of programs...at least 6 to 10... Good luck!
  10. I am finishing my MA English at Portland State (Oregon) this year and location was a big factor ...I wanted to stay close to family here, but there is only 1 English PhD program in Oregon, and just 2 in Washington.... but if I apply again this fall, I think I might have to forget about location...and look more carefully at Midwest schools....and in the South.
  11. I will have my MA in English-Rhet.&Comp. this June, and I have been accepted to a great PhD English Rhetoric and Composition program, but I am on wait list for funding... QUESTION: I was wondering, how many of you are on the wait list for funding? And, if funding and a GTA position are not offered, would you still go? Also, say you accepted and funding was not offered, what are the realistic chances of being offered funding and a GTA position in the second year, and/or guaranteed for the remaining years? If I am not offered funding, I think I could carry the cost of the first year, if the program would waive out-of state tuition, and if there was some indication that funding and a GTA position was a definite probability the second year, and so forth. I really do not want to go through this application insanity again this fall.
  12. Thanks! Just got an email from Dr. Rice..sounds as though things won't settle out until April 15th on Louisiana! ah! Still waiting on Arizona and Washington State too..... Really prefer not to go through this application process again...want to move on with my life and academic career.
  13. Congrats on your acceptance! I am not familiar with their English Literature program, but I have heard great things about the English Rhetoric and Composition PhD program at Louisiana - Lafayette. Living costs seem to be reasonable. I would really like to go, but being on the waitlist for funding and a GTA position is a concern. I will need a teaching gig! I am still waiting on Arizona and Washington state applications.... but it is a good feeling that I do have an acceptance!
  14. I am finishing my MA in English Rhetoric and Composition this year, and yes, my writing, my research skills, and critical thinking improved greatly! Just compare any writing sample...a paper by a MA student will outshine any undergrad paper. There are a few programs that will only accept MA's.
  15. Arizona is on spring break this week....so the next 2 weeks Arizona and most of the other programs will start with the shake down of offers and acceptances....received an email from Sharonne Meyers yesterday. There has to be a better system of sorting all these multiple applications....but it's money money. I think the medical school application system is much better..third party and it is sorted...based on your order of preference .....
  16. Anyone accepted to Louisiana - Lafayette? Received an email this morning...accepted, but waitlisted on funding and GTA position.
  17. Proflorax: I agree, small faculty would be a concern... good luck....at least you have some great options! UA program has Dr. Enos, great program, and is a do-able one day drive to Cali too! That is my first choice..still waiting to hear back... Although I now live in Oregon, I consider myself a Cali guy! Born in Long Beach and grew up in Moorpark in Ventura county, just an hour drive north of LA.. Tried to move back and was living in LA..well, Rodondo Beach...but the freeway and the traffic is crazy! I do miss the sunshine and the beach though...
  18. Josh: UMass has a great heritage, but with Peter Elbow no longer there, and now Anne Herrington retiring...definitely a different look to the program... but 7 years in the program seems a bit too long.... I heard from a well connected source UMass only accepted 4 to 5 Rhet and Comp people... I would have to assume they would offer you a TA...and if they do, yes, UMass over Louisville...Dr. Carol Mattingly just retired from Louisville too. Bundle up! Amherst winters are a bear!
  19. With little over a month to go before the April 15th deadline, anyone care to share what offer they have decided to accept and why? MA of PhD? And if no offers, what is your plan B?
  20. Just gave a paper presentation this morning...good prep for the RM MLA. The panel chair said we have 15 Minutes....that is not a wole lot of time.... Just the highlights....
  21. Proflorax: Thank you! Finally got an acceptance! Feels good....just hope funding comes through! - Ken Ps: just gave a paper presentation on Dr. Seuss! "Reassessing Dr. Seuss: War Propaganda and the use of Racist Caricatures in Political Cartoons During WW II." Also presenting the paper in October at the Rocky Mountain MLA conference.
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