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Everything posted by KenAnderson

  1. Just received an acceptance to Louisiana - Lafayette, but on the wait list for a GTA position funding..... Nice to be accepted, but if there is no funding....not going to happen. Still waiting on Washington State and Arizona.
  2. That is really great that you are both in the same program... I have a pending application at Univ. of Louisiana - Lafayette...English Rhet and Comp. Yes, I moved to Tulsa because of the girl I was interested in talked me into moving from Oregon to Tulsa and to attend a college there..she was planing to go to college there also, but at the last moment she decided to attend a different school...so there I was in Tulsa..alone...and for some reason stayed for a year...met another girl ...worked and took classes at TJC. ..broke up with the "other" girl...yadda yadda yadda..a year I would like to forget Rule number one: Do not date while in COLLEGE! or pursuing graduate work! lol!
  3. Anyone else hear back from the English Rhet and Comp. program at Univ. of Arizona? Washington State? Louisiana - Lafayette?
  4. Rhetoric Review of Rhet & Comp programs: ...all the data is outdated (2007) .... and due to the present poor economy the admit numbers reported are much too high...I heard Arizona RCTE only accepted 6 this year!!!
  5. thatjewishgirl: Thank you! This will also be my first academic paper presentation ( I have attended two minor conferences here in Oregon...I gave readings of my own poetry...) Have you been accepted to any program? I graduate in June from Portland State with my M.A. English.... still waiting on PhD notifications from Arizona, Washington State, and Louisiana. Best, Ken PS: I lived in Tulsa OK for a year!
  6. This is my first time to the MLA. I decide to submit regardless of my PhD situation....I am 0 for 4 and still waiting to hear back from three programs..... All PhD Rhetoric and Comp. The panel is in the special topics "Rendering the Visual". My ABSTRACT "Reassessing Dr. Seuss: War Propaganda and the use of Racist Caricatures in Political Cartoons." If I strike on the last three PhD programs, I plan to apply again this fall, revise my SOP and use this conference paper as my new sample paper, and the conference will look good on the vitae. I live in Salem Oregon, only 1.5 hours south from Vancouver....easy commute..... Something to look forward to
  7. Just found out my abtract/paper was accepted! Finally some good news! Anyone else going? It is in Vancouver Washington this year.
  8. Due to finances, I was not able to submit most of my PhD applications until a couple of weeks before the deadline. Now that I am 0/4 and still have not heard from 3 programs, I am wondering if applying so late is also a factor...
  9. Okay, as of today, for the past 30 days, there have been 1322 postings of acceptances and rejections in English..... doing the math, lets say each applicant applies to 7 programs...so more or less 189 people are producing 1,322 applications...at about $75 per application that's $99,150 .... and if we speculate that the grad cafe is perhaps a sample of ten percent of the total applications....pretty close to 1 million dollars in application fees.... I know this doesn't matter...just something to occupy my ocd waiting issues at the moment.
  10. Another thought: Although this is not always practical, one of my professors said she took classes as a post bac student at Berkley and got to know the faculty and eventually was accepted to the PhD program.
  11. "Based on my own experience (I attended two third-rate state schools, and now am getting an MFA from a major state school):" Yes, but applying to a MFA program is not quite the same as applying to a MA or PhD English program...the MFA programs do not care about GRE scores.... and much less concerned about where you received your undergraduate degree....
  12. Also, It would be interesting to see the age break down on the data complied by Arizona's Rhetoric Review of Rhet & Comp programs...the review is a bit outdated (2007) and also I wonder about the reliability of some of the data, especially the admit/applicant ratio reported by the programs.
  13. UMASS Rhet.& Comp. update: From one of my professors that still has personal contact with a member of UMASS faculty....Out of ALL the English applicants accepted....the program only takes about 3-4 Rhet.& Comp people...AND also Anne Herrington is retiring......and she is the one I was interested in working with.... it takes the bite out of the rejection a little. oh well. Pending: UC Irvine, Arizona, Washington State, and Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette Rejected: UMass, Oregon and Louisville. ( PS: another faculty source with inside knowledge about Louisville stated that the Rhet and Comp program is having some issues..... also Dr. Carol Mattingly retired this year... )
  14. I applied to UC Irvine (Rhetoric and Comp.) , but have not heard anything back yet.... still waiting on Arizona, Washington State, and Univ. of Louisiana Lafayette.....
  15. Well, I agree with you about it being "self-selecting" if this was an opinion poll ( which are flawed due to the inherent bias) , but it is not an opinion poll. The poll is just asking to state their age, which is the same factual data ALL universities collect. And there are other reasons I think that are more nuanced besides the given "grad school is the first step on a career track, which most people do in their 20s regardless of career," such as a poor economy and the resulting number who enter college for the first time, return to college, or decide "now is the time" to apply to graduate school. I think there are several things that can be extrapolated.... granted, there is no data on "age" from previous years to compare and contrast, but it is interesting to ponder especially since I have heard from several different places that grad programs are experiencing a record number of applications this year...and I wondered how it breaks down with regards to age...
  16. It looks like with both age polls the numbers drop substantially after the age of 30.... Anyone want to draw some conclusions why? I have my theories...
  17. So far, the admitted age percentages are the same as applied....
  18. Okay, this poll is a bit different. For admitted applicants only: How old will you be when you start your graduate program?
  19. This poll is very interesting ...the numbers favoring the 21 to 25 bracket.... I would imagine that it is a good statistical representation of the entire graduate applicant pool in English.... wish there was a way to compare with previous years.... I have heard the programs are experiencing record number of applicants this year......perhaps another age poll is warranted here...of people who were accepted into a program??
  20. Interesting the post above said that GRE does not matter received their undergraduate degree from Berkley...well a degree from Berkley will get you in the door in A LOT of places even with a low GRE..... a "34 percentile" GRE from a lower ranked program I doubt it.... of course, I am sure if your last name was "Kennedy" and belong to the elite Kennedy family.... GRE??? really is not a factor... sometimes it is who you know that matters too....or if they know you.... it does in the job market...
  21. SF210: "Slipped my mind" ...ah, a metaphor Lackoff and Johnson would note! It is such a great book... Johnson was teaching at Oregon. One of my undergrad Linguistic professors (Discourse Analysis...great class...wish I could go back and take it again..) studied with Johnson....
  22. Oh, and the more prestigious programs DO look at where you did your undergrad too! Several former professors have confirmed this fact to me.... I agree that if you want to get into a PhD program, you have to play the game (no matter how flawed or unfair).....
  23. Concerning the importance of the GRE scores and graduate school, I had an interesting conversation today with a retired professor who has taught at three large Universities and has been directly involved in the admit process. Quote: "No program will admit to it, but they ALL look at GRE scores and use the scores as the initial factor to weed down the number of applicants. The cutoff varies from program to program, but the reality is that it is done... there are a few exceptions....personal knowledge of the applicant and with internal admits, but there are just too many S.O.P's, essays, etc., to read.... " Of course I have always suspected this, we all have, despite the denials from programs stating that the GRE is not the "only" factor..... hogwash. ( Although, UC Irvine is upfront in stating their GRE cutoff..)
  24. The Oregon POI in the English office is Michael Stamm .... I emailed him about a month ago and got the standard reply...."late Feb... notices will go out." Mine came via snail mail...
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