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  1. Case Western Reserve in Cleveland is a really nice program and in the heart of 2 major big name hospitals....the program is all medical, and doesn't do anything in the schools. The class size is only 10 people, and typically they offer all of their students 50% off tuition which makes it pretty cheap.
  2. Hey yes I'm in the same predicament. Deciding between going to MGH or Rush which both have my dream programs and location, vs. saving tonsss of money and going to a decent local program. I've heard many different opinions from people, with some saying that I'll end up making the same amount of money so go cheap, and others saying I might end up making the same amount, but if I want to get a job in medical SLP in a big city (like Chicago, which I do), then the people need something to differentiate the applicants from each other. Also, it's kind of a shame to get in to these amazing places and settle for a just ok program. I am so stressed, no idea what to do. I'm going to MGH and Rush's open house, so at least I can compare those places with my other options to get a feel at how large the difference really is, and if I feel it would be worth it. All we can do is try and get as much info, and possibly wait for scholarship offers (because I spoke with someone through Rush and they said a few more offers will be sent when we approach the April 15th deadline).
  3. I'm very familiar with WMU and the area, and in my opinion compared to all the other schools in Michigan you mentioned, it's by far the best. The building where all your classes will be held is super modern and beautiful, and a 2 minute walk and you're at their clinic, which is very impressive. As GVSU is such a new program, there are many issues....good luck making your decision, I know it's a lot to think about!
  4. I was also wondering about the parent thing, but to a couple other schools I'm attending open houses to, when I RSVPs, they emailed me back specifically asking if anyone would accompany me. That made it seem that more people would be bringing people than not. Also, I feel that a lot of people going to MGH's are coming from a quite a distance, and possibly making a weekend trip of it (I am) with someone joining them....so why not bring them along to help you decide!
  5. Yeah I can't get myself to take out those kind of loans either... For me I think it's either going to be Pittsburgh, case western in Cleveland, or a local michigan school...all of which will be substantially cheaper. And yourself? Staying local?
  6. Thanks Nala, I took your advice and called to get my login stuff. No scholarships to Rush or MGH....bummed. Probably won't be attending either because of it. Congrats to everyone who got accepted and scholarships though!
  7. Darn....thank you for posting!
  8. Nala, Yeah I filled out the forms, but I'm thinking that that's primarily for financial aid as in loans that we have to pay back. I'm hoping to hear something about scholarships or grants, and yeah if I could hear before the April 15th deadline it would be extreeemely helpful. I don't know if the numbers on ASHAs site for who gets aid is including loans or if it only includes grants/scholarships. If you find anything out, please post!!
  9. I'm in the same boat, deciding between Rush, MGH, and Case Western. I've never visited both programs, but I'm planning on going to both of their open houses (thankfully Rush provided two dates to choose from). I'm also interested in the medical side of the field, but honestly don't know if I could go to Rush or MGH due to the price
  10. Hi all, I've been accepted in to MGH and am planning on going to their open house March 29th, but on the phone I heard nothing and was too embarrassed to ask about funding...I noticed a couple people submitted their results and said that they received funding. I'm wondering if they were notified w/ their phone calls or what? As in....if I wasn't notified, I don't get a scholarship? I'd love to go there but with no scholarship it's ridiculously expensive for me and won't be happening. Anyone know anything about their funding process?
  11. Yeah i also applied to northwestern and didnt get an email so seems like a few people didnt....hopefully not a bad sign
  12. I also got admitted last night but was so excited on the phone that i wasn't paying much attention...does anyone know anything about their funding? I think the professor mentioned talking about it at the open house but I'm hoping to hear sooner because without funding i wouldn't even want to tease myself at the open house!
  13. I haven't heard yet but I've also been going through all the schools I've applied to checking when they sent out notifications last year....the anticipation is killing me. About a week ago a girl who applied to their audiology program said that she wasn't notified of anything but randomly checked their website and got a response. So obviously after she told me that I immediately checked, but nothing yet. Hopefully they e-mail us soon!
  14. I've also applied to MGHI solely based on how great of a program it seems even though i've never visited. But if I'm accepted I will have to really look in to the numbers. It would be great if they are well-funded and maybe have a lot of assistantship positions available to help offset the cost but something tells me that's probably not the case.
  15. Yeah i'm also applying to Toledo...such an early application due-date and an interview process which is pretty scary! I did my undergrad at U of M but since they don't have an undergrad program I've had to take SLP classes from a couple other places...what about you?
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